CHAMPS for class activities Math - Wittrock
Direct Instruction C-level 0 voice unless called on or in choral response H-raise hand and wait to be called on A-teacher or student led instruction M-sitting forward in seat unless in transition, need to sharpen pencil, get tissue P-actively engaged (eyes forward), ask questions when needed
Bellwork C-level 0 voice H-raise hand and wait to be called on A-work on and complete assigned work M-sharpen pencil and have materials; stay in your seat when prepared for class P-focused on individual bellwork
Independent seat work C-level 0 voice H-raise hand and wait to be called on A-work independently on task M-in seat, unless you need to sharpen pencil, get tissue, need help and called on P-actively focused on completing practice (work smart)
Seat work (in partners) C-level 2 voice (max) talking only to assigned partner H-first ask partner, then raise hand A-work on task with partner (work smart) M-transition to and from work area and seat; seated unless need to sharpen pencil P-both partners contributing to complete work
Videos C-level 0 voice H-raise hand after video is over A-watch video, make notes of questions or work problems given M-stay seated until end of video P-eyes on screen sitting forward; work on problems given when directed; take notes of questions you have
Independent practice w/ Chromebook C-level 0 voice H-raise hand (if relevant may post to stream) A-work independently on task at hand M-in seat unless you need to sharpen a pencil; on Chromebook: on browser or app for assignment ONLY P-actively focused on completing practice
War Card Game C-level 2 voice (max) talking only to assigned partner H-first ask partner, then raise hand A-work on task with partner (work smart) M-transition to and from work area and seat; seated unless need to sharpen pencil P-both partners contributing to war game