WOUND CARE NATIONAL An All-Inclusive Wound Care Company…
COMPANY STRUCTURE CEO: Oscar Barreto DPM, FACFAS CMO: Magaly A. Rodriguez, MD COO: Monica Viera-Mulet, ARNP-C, WCC
WOUND CARE ALL INCLUSIVE PROJECT Prepared for: Florida Blue Prepared by: Monica Viera-Mulet, ARNP-C, WCC Oscar Barreto, DPM, FACFAS
OUR OBJECTIVES Wound Care National's objective is to provide the patient (member) with the best, most comprehensive, evidenced based wound care services in order to heal acute and chronic wounds as soon as possible. Give the provider (HMO) an all inclusive, cost effective, top of the line service that would eliminate waste, abuse and duplication of services.
OUR GOALS Obtain a POSITIVE outcome of wound closure and healing as soon as possible. Achieve patient, family and provider satisfaction.
OUR SOLUTIONS Provide wound care consulting and care at home OR at one of our two “state of the art wound care centers” by “Advanced Wound Care Practitioners”, who are well experienced in wound care. This service would include placement and care of advanced wound care technologies such as: Negative Pressure Devices (Wound-Vac). Wound Healing Consulting and Care for Stage I, II, III and IV Pressure Ulcers. Full Thickness, Atypical, Complicated Surgical Wounds and Burns. We will provide the patient with the necessary advanced wound treatment dressings and topical biologics. We will perform, if medically necessary, bedside surgical debriments. We will provide case management and coordination of care and referrals to any necessary sub-specialties. We provide a holistic approach to wound healing including nutritional, socio- psychological and physiological support. We will close HEDIS/ STARS Gaps such as Diabetic Foot Exam, BMI, HA1C * All this will be done in collaboration with the Primary Care Provider, Surgeon, Podiatrist, Wound Specialist, and Home Health Agency.
PROJECT OUTLINE Wound Care National will provide: Initial comprehensive wound care and physical assessment by ARNP/ DMP/ MD within 24 hrs of referral. Focusing on: Hedis and Star Measures (HA1C, Diabetic Foot Exam, BMI) Evaluate Nutritional status Evaluate Socio-economical issues Evaluate Patho-physiological issues Medicare Risk Adjustment (Correct coding and documentation of current diagnosis and co-morbidities)
WHY CHOOSE WOUND CARE NATIONAL? Decrease Cost and Excellent Outcomes. Multidisciplinary Team. Close Collaboration with Primary Care Provider. Hospitalization and Re-Hospitalization Avoidance. Savings in DME, Supplies, and Outpatient Treatments at Hospital Based Wound Care Centers Case Management. Our “Holistic Approach” philosophy differentiates us from the competition, which for the most part is based on excessive unnecessary wound debridement, costly dressings, expensive outpatient and inpatient charges, and lengthy treatments.
LOGISTICS (HOW WE DO IT?) Initial orders and report will be discussed with attending practitioner and communicated to the Home Health Agencies (HHA). If patient requires negative pressure or Wound-Vac, our device will be applied, and set on that first visit, supplies will be left for any other necessary changes by home health agency nurse during first week. If the patient has any other secondary wounds, the practitioner (NP/ MD) will perform wound care, and prescribe treatment which will be communicated to the Home Health Agency performing care the rest of the week, and a weekly stock of supplies will be left or sent home with the patient for the Home Health nurse to utilize. If the patient prefers to come to one of the centers for his or her wound care, then all care will be done in the clinic and no Home Health is needed.
LOGISTICS (HOW WE DO IT?) NP will return on a weekly basis to assess wound, make wound care changes if needed, reapply negative pressure dressing, make any new recommendations and leave weekly stock of supplies. Home Health nurse will not have to visit on that day. This will be repeated on a weekly basis until the patient is healed and/or discharged from the service. Wound Care National will have a clinician on call 24 hr.’s for any emergencies by the patient or for home health agency support.
LOGISTICS (HOW WE DO IT?) Wound Care National will in-service Home Health Agencies assigned to this project by the HMO in our Negative pressure and advanced wound healing supplies and technologies. If necessary the initial visit will be done in the Acute or Sub-Acute setting before discharge. As pioneers of the wound management holistic approach I believe this model will impact the wound healing community for years to come.