PROCUREMENT PROCESS 2 Define Business Need & Key Contract Details Develop RFP Supplier Evaluation & Selection Negotiation & Award of Contract Identify Need Budget Timeline Contract details Request for Proposal developed by purchasing to include: Project details (spec sheet as needed) Proposal Submission Deadline Intended timing for decision making and implementation Identify the supplier that will best meet needs by ranking all applicable categories: Total cost Quality Service Certifications Experience Financial stability Future goals of supplier Negotiate final agreement ensuring firm understanding of the following: Full scope of work Terms & conditions Performance measures
SUPPLIER REGISTRATION All suppliers must register with our company by completing the online vendor registration process at nnacleEntertainment nnacleEntertainment You must know the Purchasing contacts at the property. Note them as your contact online so your registration will be routed properly. I encourage you to reach out to the Buyers so they know to expect your registration. Belterra Casino – Mary Stogsdill Belterra Park – Tammy Scully Ameristar East Chicago – Ivan Ramirez
UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES SERVICETIMELINE Construction/Remodeling Immediate & Ongoing (Painting/flooring/general construction) EVS/Cleaning3 RD Qtr 2015 Paper Goods Supplier1 st Qtr 2016 Promotional ItemsOngoing 4