1 SFIREG Hot Issues Panel Presentation and Discussion Wednesday, August 22 Co-presenters:Jack Peterson, AAPCO Immediate Past President Dave Fredrickson, SFIREG Chair Cary Giguere, SFIREG Working Committee - Pesticide Operations & Maintenance Joe Zachmann, SFIREG Working Committee – Water Quality & Pesticide Disposal
2 Notes on SFIREG: State-FIFRA Issues Research & Evaluation Group –A network of state officials interested in federal/state “co-regulation” of pesticides under FIFRA –Established by the Association of American Pesticide Control Officials (AAPCO) under cooperative agreement with EPA
3 A Note on SFIREG: (cont.) SFIREG –Two “Working Committees” with Chairs and members separate from full SFIREG Water Quality & Pesticide Disposal Committee Pesticide Operations & Management Committee Research and develop specific issues – issue papers ►workgroups Report to the full SFIREG
4 A Note on SFIREG: (cont.) SFIREG –A full committee that acts as states’ decision body for issues forwarded to EPA –Receive and provide to all State Lead Agencies (SLAs) reports on EPA activities and programs
5 1. Pesticide Control Officials 2.Members - officers charged by law with the execution of the state, territorial, provincial, and federal pesticide laws. 3. Lobbying Contact: Grier Stayton - AAPCO- or AAPCO- Association of AmericanAmerican Association of
6 Issues 25b Recycling rule $ for certification Cause marketing Drift SFIREG Issues
7 SFIREG Pesticide Operations & Mgmnt. 1.E-Labeling - Use of electronic labeling as part of the pesticide registration process (Includes regulatory and process issues) NAFTA Labeling- focused on resolving barriers to creating North American pesticide market Part Issues – Clarifying Enforcement Measures
8 SFIREG Water Quality & Pesticide Disposal 1.Container/Containment & Container Recycling rules - research and input for OPP 2.Pesticide degradates and water quality 3.Cooperative agreement performance measures 4.Water resource pesticide benchmarks
9 Evolving Debates About Pesticides and WQ impacts Federal Accountability of EPA OPP and Office of Water WQ Monitoring: Local, State, Federal, Registrant, International Evolving Water and Agriculture Programs SFIREG WQ & PD Activity
10 Clean Water Act Registration Review EPA OPP Field Programs Pesticide of Interest or Concern
11 Drought or Flood? For success of pesticide water quality programs at local, state and federal levels, evaluation tools are needed: –Groundwater and Surface Water risk benchmarks (reference points) to assess relative risk and measure progress
12 OPP-OW Renewed Cooperation OPP and SFIREG finding ways to increase water quality data sharing with OW –Feed into Clean Water Act/TMDL programs –Feed into Safe Drinking Water Act programs OPP and SFIREG assembling benchmarks for states to evaluate water quality –Useful in absence of state or federal regulatory values
13 SFIREG Full Committee Implementation of new Container / Containment Rules Endangered Species Labeling and Enforcement Unenforceable Label Language Mold & HVAC Policies and changes
14 FULL SFIREG Fumigant Review & Reregistration Certification & Training Rule Revision WPS Revisions