Managing Time for Your Portfolio 1 J.Byrne 2015
Purpose of today Where to start Looking realistically at time on the calendar Setting objectives Avoiding pitfalls Sources of help 2 J.Byrne 2015
How’s it going at the moment? Take five minutes For two minutes, write about any current issues you have with time management For three minutes, compare notes with the person next to you Can you offer one tip to each other? 3 J.Byrne 2015
Deadlines for Semester 1 How many weeks until your first submission? The cutting list is due on week 8. 3 weeks. How many weeks until your second submission? Estimated time chart is due on week 9. 4 weeks. How many weeks until your third submission? Chart showing machine requirements is due on week weeks How many weeks until your draft portfolio is due? 7 weeks. J.Byrne
Deadlines for Semester 2 Week 1: Final CAD drawings showing overall sizes, detailed sections and component parts to include a 3D Cad drawing of proposed artefact. Week 12: Final written portfolio, glue bound to include redraft of work from sem. 1. Week 13: Poster presentation: A1 poster showing the research, manufacturing and final artefact. Poster to include name of artefact and student’s name and year. J.Byrne
Get organised: Using an online calendar or a good portable paper diary Put everything in it (work, study, other commitments) Set SMART objectives: Specific - notes on designer/ research and references. Measurable – time spent on each aspect. Achievable - list the steps, can you get there? Realistic - in time, with available resources? Timebound - work back from the deadline Always work to a reward: October Bank Holiday off (long term) DVD night (medium term) Chocolate biscuit (short term) Techniques to manage time 7 J.Byrne 2015
Watch out for… Displacement activity Must answer or text. Need to check Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn Must do ironing, wash floor/car etc. Clutter Take ten minutes to clear space if you need it. Make a list of what you are going to do each session. Energy levels Are you tired? Are you getting enough sleep? Can you do sort work (e.g. references or appendices etc.) until you feel more energetic? Or set one short task for yourself and then see if you can do more? 8 J.Byrne 2015
Something blocking you? Procrastination? What feelings are preventing you from going ahead? What thoughts are in the way? What behaviours are causing the procrastination? Identify the trigger - then tackle it: Feelings - relaxation and stress management. Thoughts - silence the doubting inner voice if it is present (and it is present for everyone at some stage!) Behaviours - set short tasks with rewards. 9 J.Byrne 2015
Slowing down time Remember the power of ten or fifteen minutes CEO of IKEA plans his day in ten minute segments What could you do in just ten minutes? Tuning back into your work Use a relaxation technique e.g. breathing in for 3, out for 6, for just two or three minutes Listen to one favourite song to motivate you. 10 J.Byrne 2015
What if things go wrong? Don’t give up if your plans go awry: Bin the old list and don’t waste time worrying about it Rewrite your list and keep scheduling! 11 J.Byrne 2015
Next Steps Review your Proposal What kind of timelines had you built in? Can you develop these now? What questions could you ask your Supervisor to help refine your project plan? Log your time for a day or two Record time spent on each activity or keep a log of your own Calculate the time for a week Anything you can adjust/change? 12 J.Byrne 2015
Links and Resources Time management and academic work: Where’d my day go? The third year website, research and extra page. TCD’s Student Learning site: management/time/ management/time/ Managing reading and references: Library site, EndNote Web Ask a Tutor, Peers or others for advice. 13 J.Byrne 2015