Structure Bicameral. Say what?!?!?!? Two houses 435 in the House of Representatives. Reapportionment every 10 years after the _____. Ranges from Senators. 2 for every state. Mostly rich, old, white, Christian, and male.
Leadership Senate Vice President = President of the Senate. Votes in case of a tie. President Pro Tempore = longest serving member. Senate Majority leader = leader from the party in power. Leader of the Senate, decides what gets voted on. Senate Minority leader = leader from the party not in power. Majority and Minority whip = get people in line for votes. House of Representatives Speaker of the House = the leader of the house, decides what gets voted on. Majority Leader = leader from the party in power. Minority Leader = leader from the party not in power. Majority and minority whip = get people in line for votes. See pictures…
Committees This is where legislation REALLY gets done. If it doesn’t get out of committee (at state and national level) it isn’t getting passed. Ruling party gets to appoint the leadership of each and the make up of each reflects the make up of the branch. Types: Standing: the constant committees. Joint: members from both houses. Conference: work out the differences in bills. Select: deal with very specific responsibilities. Most important: you will find out next class…..
Bill Becoming a Law…ES Version?... Real Version
Misc Caucuses in Congress. Kind of like interest groups in Congress itself. Tries to get legislation through that benefits its caucus. Women’s caucus. Hispanic caucus. Bourbon caucus. Gaming caucus. Incumbents: members in power. Usually win reelection. Most of us don’t think Congress is doing its job, but we like our House of Rep member and Senator. ?????? Sometimes just act as a block to the President. Remember, it’s politics. Presidential mid-term election: President’s party almost always loses seats. Why?
Mr. Nighswonger’s Christmas List A new book, hardcopy. Food, homemade. Gift card to restaurant. Movie tickets. Calendar. Personally created picture or painting. Due Dec 17/18.