Dealing with the Media
Preparing for Interviews Who do you want to reach? What do they know or think? What impression do you want to leave? How do you convey credibility? What are the likely questions?
Facing the Media: Key Questions Where? When? Who? What? How?
Conducting Interviews – Do’s Get you key message out early Be succinct Structure your answers 3 key things: 1, 2, 3. Use proof points to back up any claims Add something extra to your replies
Conducting Interviews – Do’s Use bridging phrases to revert back to your agenda “That’s an interesting point but the real issue is…..” “The facts of the matter are…..” “What’s most important is…….” Mind your body language Look at the interviewer, not the camera
Crisis Formula State the facts – no spin Express Concern Say what action you are taking Emphasise co-operation
Conducting Interviews – Don’ts “No Comment” “Off the record” Repeating negatives Speculation Blame
Conducting Interviews – Don’ts “Yes” or “No” answers Jargon Cliches – “Avoid like the plague” Allow a misleading assertion to go uncorrected Saying more that you planned to say – don’t respond to a pregnant pause. Lose your temper.
Hints from Journalists Think like a journalist – about what people (not council officers) think is interesting. Don’t gloss over problems. Then you’re more likely to be taken seriously. Use clear English – not bureaucratic buzz words. Leave contact details for various people involved at bottom of media release.
Hints from Journalists Keep up to date media release section on the web. Have ideas for photo’s or follow-up interviews. Offer exclusive to newspapers. Use spicy quotes Be less formal in responses. Include passion and emotion.