Word WorkSight WordsVocabularyWritingPoem Monday Substitute Phonemes Mini-lesson large group and then add to stations Introduce: said good Introduce: protect hatch nest den calf cub kid Brainstorm ideas of baby animal for 4- Square Introduce Poem Tuesday Substitute Phonemes (in pocket chart) Flashlight Tag each word Review words Choose baby animal and research Echo read poem Look for short vowels Wednesd ay Shaving Cream Write each word Match words to picture in pocket chart Complete 4-square with details Echo read poem Look for punctuation Thursday Wacky Words! each word Use 4-Square to create final draft Put poem in Poetry Notebook and highlight sight words Friday write each word on Partner’s Back Share final drafts Choral read poem Complete emergent reader of poem
Graphic Organizer Exit Slip/ Assessment Stations Differentiation Opportunities Monday Complete Venn DIagram Guided Reading Tuesday Use fact/opinion cards to complete chart 3 Levels of sight words at centers Wednesd ay Writing animal 4- Square range from1 sentence to paragraph Thursday Complete the baby animal portraits Friday
Anchor TextSupplementary Texts Anchor Charts Featured PoemMulti-MediaI Can Statements I can write, draw and tell to teach. I can switch sounds to make new words. I can sort statements into facts or opinions. Week 22 Baby Animals