CLIC meeting CLIC module status G. Riddone on behalf of the CLIC Module WG,
Outline Introduction and motivation Module types Systems/components: design status and studies Module integration issues Test module program Conclusions G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/20092
G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/20094 PER LINAC Modules: Accelerating structures: PETS: MB quadrupoles: 1996 DB quadrupoles: PER LINAC Modules: Accelerating structures: PETS: MB quadrupoles: 1996 DB quadrupoles: 20924
Two-beam module 5 A fundamental element of the CLIC concept is two-beam acceleration, where RF power is extracted from a high-current and low-energy beam (drive beam) in order to accelerate the low-current main beam to high energy (main beam). Accelerating structure +100 MV/m, 64 MW, 229 mm PETS -6.5 MV/m, 136 MW, 213 mm G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/2009
Current activities G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/20096 Definition of overall layout (space reservation, number of components and their exact position and dimension) Definition of boundary conditions and design constraints to the CLIC technical systems Detailed study and mechanical design of the module, as well as integration and fabrication issues Definition of layout of special regions (drive beam turn-around loops) Module integration in the tunnel, including module transport and installation in collaboration with CES WG Design and construction of the so called “Test Modules” Cost estimate Provide feedback for other areas of the study BASELINE DESIGN for CDR
Organization G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/20097 Working group with link persons for main technical systems and interfaces Working group with link persons for main technical systems and interfaces Collaborators Technical systems - RF: I. Syratchev, W. Wuensch, R. Zennaro, - RF instrumentation: F. Peauger, R. Zennaro - Beam instrumentation: L. Soby - Vacuum: C. Garion - Magnet: M. Modena - Pre-alignment:. F. Lackner, H. Mainaud-Durand, T. Touzé - Stabilization: K. Artoos, A. Jeremie - Structure supports: N. Gazis J. Huopana, R. Nousiainen - Beam feedback: H. Schmickler - Integration: A. Samoshkin D. Gudkov; - Tunnel and Transport: J. Osborne, K. Kershaw Technical systems - RF: I. Syratchev, W. Wuensch, R. Zennaro, - RF instrumentation: F. Peauger, R. Zennaro - Beam instrumentation: L. Soby - Vacuum: C. Garion - Magnet: M. Modena - Pre-alignment:. F. Lackner, H. Mainaud-Durand, T. Touzé - Stabilization: K. Artoos, A. Jeremie - Structure supports: N. Gazis J. Huopana, R. Nousiainen - Beam feedback: H. Schmickler - Integration: A. Samoshkin D. Gudkov; - Tunnel and Transport: J. Osborne, K. Kershaw Interface to Beam physics: D. Schulte Transfer lines: B. Jeanneret Radiation issues: S. Mallows Interface to Beam physics: D. Schulte Transfer lines: B. Jeanneret Radiation issues: S. Mallows CEA/Saclay CIEMAT DUBNA/JINR UH/VTT LAPP NTUA NCP (Pakistan) PSI UPPSALA University of Manchester …. CEA/Saclay CIEMAT DUBNA/JINR UH/VTT LAPP NTUA NCP (Pakistan) PSI UPPSALA University of Manchester ….
Module type 0 G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ accelerating structures 8 wakefield monitors 4 PETS 2 DB quadrupoles 2 DB BPM Total per linac (3 TeV) 8374 standard modules 8 accelerating structures 8 wakefield monitors 4 PETS 2 DB quadrupoles 2 DB BPM Total per linac (3 TeV) 8374 standard modules DB MB
Other module types G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/2009 Total per linac (3 TeV) type 1: 154 type 2: 634 type 3: 477 type 4: 731 Other modules - modules in the damping region (no structures) - modules with dedicated instrumentation - modules with dedicated vacuum equipment … Total per linac (3 TeV) type 1: 154 type 2: 634 type 3: 477 type 4: 731 Other modules - modules in the damping region (no structures) - modules with dedicated instrumentation - modules with dedicated vacuum equipment … 10 Type 3 Type 1 Type 2 Type 4
SYSTEMS/COMPONENTS – DESIGN STATUS AND ISSUES RF system (Accelerating Structures [AS], PETS, RF distribution) Magnet system Pre-alignment, stabilization, supporting systems Beam instrumentation Cooling, vacuum systems
Accelerating structures G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Engineering design under way. Many systems to be designed & integrated around the “super-structure” Micro-precision assembly (5 um) Wakefield monitor (1 per AS) Incorporating damping is mechanically complex and requires transverse space. Cooling circuits (400 W per AS) – internal/external under study Vacuum system (10 -8 mbar) Interconnection to MB Q (stabilization!) Structure support (alignment) Connection to RF distribution (flexibility) Several issues connection Supports pump connection Machining cover WFM Damping material Cooling Vacuum manifold A. Grudiev, D. Gudkov, j. Huopana, A. Samoshkin
PETS G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Engineering design well advanced 8 octants with “compact” couplers and integrated on-off mechanism Minitank for octants Cooling circuits (size for 0.5% beam loss) – couplers water cooled, bars conduction cooled RF distribution to AS Vacuum system (sizing of mini-tank) Interconnection to BPM (limited space – few tens of mm) Minitank support (fiducialisation) Minitank Compact coupler with on-off mechanism Compact coupler with on-off mechanism Cooling Compact coupler details D. Gudkov, J. Huopana, A. Samoshkin, I. Syratchev
RF distribution G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Study of compact 3-dB RF splitter with choke mode flange, including assembly and alignment features - Study of waveguide routing - Study of HP loads at the outlet of the AS with integrated RF diagnostic devices The compact 3-dB splitter is an adapter from a rectangular (H10) to two circular (H11) waveguides with two integrated choke mode flanges (CMF). CMF allows the power transmission without electrical contact between waveguides. Dynamic range for the accepted performance (S11< –45 dB): - x – shift: ± 0.25 mm - y – shift: ± 0.5 mm - z – shift: ± 0.5 mm - Twist: < 5° Beam inter-axis – 650 mm ONLY D. Gudkov, A. Samoshkin, I. Syratchev
Magnets G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ M. Modena The quadrupole active length is 0.15 m. Total number of quadrupoles is about (on series production, optimisation on going together with Cockcroft institute) Nominal Gradient: T/m Magnet bore Ø: 23 mm DRIVE BEAM Four different magnetic lengths, namely 0.35, 0.85, 1.35 and 1.85m (weight 400 kg). Beam pipe supported by the magnet. The beam pipe centre needs to be aligned to the magnetic centre of the quad with an accuracy better than 30 μ m. design at CERN, prototype under tendering For the beam-based feedback, a 1-cm long magnet in front of each quadrupole (decouple BBF and stabilisation) [under study] Nominal Gradient: 200 T/m Magnet bore Ø: 10 mm MAIN BEAM R. Leuxe Powering of magnets to be optimized to limit power dissipation
Pre-alignment G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Mechanical pre-alignment within +/- 0.1 mm (1 ) Active pre-alignment: within +/- 10 um (3 ) Concept: straight alignment reference over 20 km based on overlapping references Accelerating structures and PETS pre-aligned on independent girders “Snake system/articulation point” adopted for girder pre-alignment “CTF2 concept”, validated in CTF2, with beam. MB quad pre-aligned independently To be considered in the pre-align. system study: Integration of the pre-alignment systems in the modules transport and installation Fiducialisation (design and tests – stability during time, impact of thermal variations) H. Mainaud-Durand and SU team Luca Gentini CTF2 validation, but: Resizing needed (higher loads) Actuators not on the shelf (alternative study-cam system) Stability with AS requirements Kinematics (14 bearings)
Stabilization G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ K. Artoos A. Jeremie and SWG Stabilization needed for the MB quadrupole (vertical tolerance: 1 nm > 1 Hz ) Compatibility stabilization and pre-alignment Under study 1.CERN option: rigid (active stabilisation + fast nano-positioning with a Hexapod) 2.LAVISTA option: soft support See talks plenary+WG5 size of the seismometers! For the integration of the MB quadrupole stabilisation system in the module an inventory of modal behaviour and rigidities of components is needed, as well as an inventory of vibration sources F. Lackner, K. Artoos 620 A. Samoshkin
Girder/structure supports G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ RF structures (accelerating structures and PETS) on dedicated supports which are connected to the SiC girder For the girder, SiC material chosen as best compromise for damping to stiffness ratio (2 m long girder seems to be feasible – contacts with several companies under way) Other material (such as steel) are not abandoned Different shape configurations are under study Supports shall be compatible with thermal loads (sizing in parallel with cooling system design) with pre-alignment design and “fiducialisation” with stabilisation requirements J. Huopana/HIP – N. Gazis/NTUA
Study on the MB & DB Girder G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ MAIN BEAM ΜΒ-magnet Support Cradles Integral "V" Support (StSt) Vacuum Manifold (StSt) Pumps Vacuum Reservoir (StSt) Accelarating Structure (Cu) Loads (StSt) Waveguides from CMF to ACS (Cu) Splitter (Cu) Cooling Blocks (Cu) Girder Weight (SiC) DRIVE BEAM DB Magnets Cradles Integral "V" Support (StSt) Vacuum Manifold (StSt) Pumps Vacuum Reservoir (StSt) PETS (Cu) Mini-Tank (Cu) DB Drift Tube (StSt) RF Distribution (Cu) Cooling Blocks (Cu) Girder Weight (SiC) Type Total Weight [MB+DB] (kg) Weight estimation for the structures of the CLIC- Module MB[Type0] DB[Type0] Layout for the forces & the momenta imposed on the Girder. With the weights estimated, the forces and the momenta, imposed on the Girder through the supports of the structures, are evaluated. MB[Type0] Q (force), M (momentum) reaction on the the girder. 0 Mechanical analysis done for main and drive beam girders
Structure supports G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ in out Used cooling scheme Temperature field for super- str. (unloaded) Limited space Thermal analysis for different support types V-support Centre of the super-str. moves up 4 µm (input coupler) and 11.3 µm (output coupler) Thermal expansion in the beam direction ~75 µm
Vacuum G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Pumping system (MB and DB vacuum coupled via the common manifold and the waveguides) Quadrupole vacuum chamber with NEG films integrated Interconnections (intra-module and inter-module) Main beam – Non-contacting interconnects acceptable. Short range wakefields essentially equal to an iris. Long range wakefields need damping Drive beam – contacting interconnect necessary for baseline design due to the high drive beam current. C. Garion, R. Zennaro Solution with a gap and damping material (solution found for RF design) Detailed studies under way: Q/AS
Cooling G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ AS ~ 412 W PETS ~ 110 W Linac ~ kW Module ~ 7.7 kW Flow / Linac: 3100 m 3 /h Flow / Module: ~340 m 3 /h ∆T linac = ∆T module =17.5 K Detailed study under way: -The structure must maintain its longitudinal and transverse tolerances during operation with varying beam-loading conditions. Power factors of roughly two in the downstream end of structure. -RF network cooling - The rf network must maintain its correct electrical length, expansion is 0.2° phase/(°C*meter of group delay). R. Nousiainen HIP/VTT High power dissipation: RF structure and magnets are water cooled (RF network to be confirmed) 2.4 um 1.2 um Beam pipe deformation: from unloaded to loaded
Beam instrumentation G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Limited space for BPM integration: 60 to 100 mm 1 BPM per Q, 1 WFM per AS DB: ~ devices; MB: ~ devices BPM rigidly connected to the quadrupole MB BPM Choke BPM: RF design made, mechanical design to be done (possible collaboration with RHUL) FNAL Low-Q cavity BPM: wakefield calculation coming in few weeks DB BPM Design will start next year - collaboration with SLAC WFM: Mechanical design under way – collaboration with CEA-Saclay (accelerating structure with WFM in 2010) [missing responsible at CERN] L. Søby
1157 (1525 in 2008) (1063 in 2008) System integration G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ A. Samoshkin DUBNA/JINR Effort on space reduction: - longitudinal compactness gives gradient and efficiency. - transverse compactness for tunnel integration Effort on space reduction: - longitudinal compactness gives gradient and efficiency. - transverse compactness for tunnel integration Integration of technical systems is very challenging Module gives the boundary conditions and design constraints space reservation and conceptual to detailed design for most of the systems Module detail design evolving in parallel to the definition of the technical systems high number of instruments: ~190 signals per module
Super-AS with external cooling WFM VAC MANIFOLD WG FROM PETS RF SPLITTER WITH CMF LOAD SPLITTER A S VAC MANIFOLD COOLING TUBE CMF Super-AS with internal cooling Many systems to be integrated around the “Super-AS” : Exemple: AS INTEGRATION Each technical system is not isolated but it shall be compatible with the surrounding systems The accelerating structures shall show good performance with all the corresponding systems integrated. For example vacuum and cooling systems shall cope with high-precision assembly and pre- alignment A. Samoshkin, CLIC09, WG5 G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/200926
Thermo-mechanical simulation of the module G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ ANSYS model capable to simulate the thermal-mechanical behaviour of the entire module under all operation modes incrementally starting from RF structures – started now as in parallel to detailed design (feedback to technical systems) 1. Transient thermal behaviour of the RF-structures coupled with cooling 2. Operation modes’ relation to RF-structure movement, thermal / structural behaviour 3. Induced effect from coupling of beams, dilatations & forces 4. Mechanical response of interconnections in thermal cycle, dilatations & forces … First steps integrated 1234 R. Nousiainen UH/VTT
Test program CLIC modules LAB (no beam) CLEX modules CLEX (with beam) G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/200928
Motivation for Test Modules G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ One of the feasibility issues is the two beam acceleration (two beam module is part of the program) Address feasibility issues in an integrated approach e.g. RF structures, stabilization-alignment-supporting systems Establish coherence between existing test set-up up to future test modules in CLEX Validate technical systems (tests in the labs) - if possible use components from stand-alone tests for test modules in CLEX Validate two-beam acceleration scheme (tests in CLEX with beam)
Test modules G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ CLIC modules (as much as possible close to CLIC modules) CLEX test modules (Eucard – NCLinac – WP9.2/9.3) (to be adapted to test infrastructures) CLEX test modules (Eucard – NCLinac – WP9.2/9.3) (to be adapted to test infrastructures) We have to establish a test program with clear milestones before and after CDR TEST MODULES one project with two parallel lines TEST MODULES one project with two parallel lines
Strategy for main linac two-beam module validation G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/200931
Objectives of the CLIC modules G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Integration of all technical systems (dummy RF structures and quadrupoles can be used – real dead weight and interfaces to other systems) Full metrology Pre-alignment of MB and DB, including fiducialisation Interconnections validation under different simulated thermal loads Stabilisation of main beam quad in the module environment Vibration study of all systems and identification of vibration sources Measurement of resonant frequencies (both in lab and in the tunnel/underground area) Heating in several thermal cycles. Measurements of thermal transient e.g. how long it takes to achieve a new equilibrium state. Transport of the module and verification of alignment
CLIC modules (LAB) G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Pre-alignment validation with dummy elements Interconnections - pumping (static conditions) Repositioning Measurements of resonant frequencies Pre-alignment validation with dummy elements Interconnections - pumping (static conditions) Repositioning Measurements of resonant frequencies Transport and thermal cycles Measurements of resonant frequencies Transport and thermal cycles Measurements of resonant frequencies Stabilization (Q) and pre-alignment compatibility Vibration study of all system and vibration sources Stabilization (Q) and pre-alignment compatibility Vibration study of all system and vibration sources The test module types are representative of all module types and sequence
014 CLIC modules G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Type 0 Type 1 Type 4 A. Samoshkin
Objectives of the CLEX modules G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Two-beam acceleration in a realistic environment Cost- and performance optimized structures and their integration in CLIC modules. Accelerating structure (ACS) alignment on girder using probe beam Wakefield monitor (WFM) performance in low and high power conditions (and after a breakdown) Investigation of the breakdown effect on the beam Alignment and stabilization systems in a dynamic accelerator environment RF network phase stability especially independent alignment of linacs Vacuum system performance especially dynamics with rf Cooling system especially dynamics due to beam loss and power flow changes Integration of all different sub-systems:, i.e. to simultaneously satisfy requirements of highest possible gradient, power handling, tight mechanical tolerances and heavy HOM damping Validation of assembly, transport, activation, maintenance etc.
G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Choke mode flange AS (CLIC-G) PETS (mini tank) Compact coupler with internal splitter ON/OFF unit 130 MW Coupler with internal splitter “Hammer” 3 dB splitter RF load~ 65 MW (tbc) RF diagnostic PETS (mini tank) AS DB Quad CLIC module type 0 From CLIC module to CLEX module
PETS G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ AS (CLIC-G) Compact coupler with internal splitter Coupler with internal splitter “Hammer” 3 dB splitter RF load RF diagnostic PETS (mini tank) AS DB Quad CLEX module type 0 From CLIC module to CLEX module
CLEX modules G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ mm All AS equipped with WFM WFM - Accuracy of 5 um is an issue few WFM in the first superstructure URGENT need for responsible for RF instrumentation and WFM
CLEX modules G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Phase 4: Module : double length PETS - 4.2: two CLIC PETS replacing 1 double length PETS Phase 4: Module : double length PETS - 4.2: two CLIC PETS replacing 1 double length PETS 14 accelerating structures 4+2 PETS 14 accelerating structures 4+2 PETS
G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/2009 A. Solodko T0 T4 T1 Beam Double-length PETS 40
Conclusions G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ More than modules in the two linacs (~ accelerating structures) two beam acceleration is one of the feasibility issues Module design is evolving in parallel to the system design Detailed design for several systems (e.g. vacuum, pre-alignment,…) started in 2009 and now well advanced must be frozen by Q Several studies are driven by the module (e.g. engineering design of RF structures with all systems around, power dissipation and cooling,…) Baseline defined for CDR following module review 15-16/09/2009: two alternative configurations to be studied: monogirder (not adopted for CDR, §CTC on ) and additional 1-cm long magnet in front of each quad decision by end of October 2010 In parallel study of other alternatives (e.g. cam system) Serious work has to start on RF instrumentation (missing RF engineer), as well as BI instrumentation (foreseen from 2010) Several CERN people and collaborators are involved in the module studies Test modules will be built in the lab and in CLEX in the coming years ( )
Pre-alignment system/ girders G. Riddone, CLIC Meeting, 23/10/ Accelerating structures and PETS + DB Q on girders Girder end supports cradles mechanically attached to a girder and linked by rods to the adjacent one: snake-system with articulation points adopted (DB: 100 A, MB: minimization of wakefields, validation at 30 GHz in CTF2) Separate girders for main and drive beam possibility to align DB quadrupole separate from accelerating structures mono-girder Alternative under study: mono-girder + + better stability, simplification for transport and installation - - non-independent alignment MB and DB (is separate align. needed?) - - additional weight for movers (cam system, are we ready?)