Christopher Cowden Advisor: Mario Spezziga Project: CMS HF (Forward Calorimeter)
What is CMS? A collaboration effort to study several things from the collisions of protons at 14 TeV. What does HF do? Study energy of particles up to η=5 region, by looking at Cerenkov radiation given off by charged particles moving through quartz fibers.
Location Constraints: HF is in a high radiation field; therefore, steel is used as the absorbing material rather than copper. Electronics must be shielded from radiation.
Cerenkov Light Detection: Quartz fibers run the length of the detector. Two classes: long and short The cables are bundled together at the front of the detector, where light guides are mounted over the bundles to guide the light signals to PMT’s.
Installation of light guides and readout boxes: 1) remove aluminum plate 2) clean plate surface, install guide pins to guide read out box 3) ionize and install light guides 4) re-mount aluminum plate 5) mount readout box
Electronics testing: 1) attach high voltage cables, signal cables, and LED fiber optic cables to readout box 2) tests: Pedestal high and low intensity LED runs at two voltage settings 3) analyze results to search for bad signals
Mario Spezziga Prof. Nural Akchurin Olga Vlassova Prof. Jean Kirsch Prof. Homer Neal University of Michigan Adura Sopeju NSF Ford Motor Company CERN!