Nutrition Jeopardy Game
Food Guides Food Marketing DiseasesNutritionMisc
Food Guides 500 points How many servings of red meat should you have if you followed the Mediterranean diet? ANSWER: Once a week or 4x a month.
Food Guides 100 Points What is the only food guide that does not involve exercise? ANSWER: Myplate
Food Guides 200 points What does the Japanese food guide resemble? Answer: A spinning top.
Food Guides 300 Points. Name 2 foods that are under the magnifying glass in the French food guide. Answer: Salt, Sugar, Fat.
Food Guides 400 points DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! In which food guide is alcohol included? ANSWER: Greek/Mediterranean food guide
Food Marketing 100 Points A clown represents which fast food company? ANSWER: McDonalds
Food Marketing 200 Points What are 3 ways food companies market to children? ANSWER: Internet, Radio, Television, Magazines, schools, clothing etc..
Food Marketing 300 Points How much money is spent on food marketing to children each year? ANSWER: $10-11 Billion per year.
Food Marketing 400 Points What is the goal of food marketing? ANSWER: To influence children’s choices
Food marketing 500 points Define food marketing. ANSWER: Food advertisements that bring together the producer and consumers.
Diseases 100 points Which country has been titled the “fattest country in the world? ANSWER: United States
Diseases 200 points What are hereditary diseases? ANSWER: Diseases that are more likely to be passed down due to genetics.
Diseases 300 points Name 3 of the 11 states whose population exceeds > 30% obesity. ANSWER: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, South Carolina, Michigan
Diseases 400 points Name this disease: ANSWER: Goiter
Diseases 500 points DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! Name this disease: ANSWER: Pellagra.
Nutrition 100 points Water contains what percentage of your body? ANSWER: 60%
Nutrition 200 points Food labels are based on a how many calorie diet? ANSWER: 2000 calorie diet.
Nutrition 300 points Alcohol contains how many calories per gram? ANSWER: 7
Nutrition 400 points Define Energy. ANSWER: The capacity to do work, such as heating or moving something.
Nutrition 500 point question Out of the 6 classes of nutrients, which are the ones that contain calories? ANSWER: Carbohydrates, fats, proteins.
Misc. 100 points How many calories in 1 gram of protein? ANSWER: 4.
Misc. 200 points Name the 6 components of Myplate. ANSWER: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Dairy, Proteins.
Misc. 300 points Name 3 diseases obesity can cause. ANSWER: Heart disease, Diabetes, Depression etc.
Misc. 400 points What is a complete protein? ANSWER: A protein that consists of all essential amino acids.
Misc. 500 points What % does the American Heart Association (AHA) recommend for saturated fats daily? ANSWER: 7%