I love shopping. My friend and I will go shopping all the time. We love to buy clothes. She likes buying jeans. I like buying shoes best. Why is this wrong? All sentences begin with a subject immediately followed by a verb. The flow is choppy.
(1)On any day of the week, I enjoy shopping at the mall. (2)Hoping to find the best deal, I stop in every store. (3) Jennifer, my best friend, always comes along. (4)While she prefers buying clothes, I purchase shoes. (5)“To shop is to live” is the motto we chant. Why is this better? 1. Begins with a prepositional phrase. 2. Begins with a verbal phrase 3. Begins with an appositive phrase and what it modifies 4. Begins with a dependent clause 5. Begins with an infinitive phrase
Begins with a phrase that cannot stand as a sentence by itself › Although they were very hungry, students were not allowed to eat in class. › Because she studied every night, Mrs. Cook earned her Masters degree while keeping a 4.0 GPA. › Even if she aced her test, she could not pass the course.
It is rewording the subject › My husband, Eric, has dark hair. › Eric, my husband, has dark hair › My school, the Union 9 th Grade Center, is huge. › My job, teaching, makes me happy.
A phrase that uses a verbal and its modifiers. Easiest to use “-ing” words › Running every day, Brandi hoped to lose weight. › Having been chosen for the lead role, she suddenly developed severe stage fright. › Knowing how to access the internet for information is a valuable skill
Sentences that begin with a prepositional phrase › Around the room, Mrs. Cook has a lot of Edgar Allan Poe items. › To me, I think that studying is very important. › In my group, we think Mean Girls is the best movie ever.
Begins with an infinitive phrase (to + a verb) › To run is to keep your cardiovascular system in shape. › To earn an “A” is my only goal in school. › To educate students makes me love my life.
Write 1 paragraph on the prompt: › What is your opinion about shopping? Start a sentence with: › Appositive (renaming the subject- yellow) › Prepositional phrase (starts w/a prep. Phrase- pink) › Dependent clause (starts with a clause that cannot stand on its own- blue) › Verbal phrase (starts with a verb and its modifies; easiest to start with an “-ing” verb- green) › Infinitive phrase (To + verb- orange)