Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 1 HIV/AIDS OVERVIEW This presentation explores the course of the disease in the individual, with five questions, and provides a framework for understanding a highly complex pattern of infection, living with the disease, illness, and eventually death. Emotional and psychological factors are explored as and when they arise.
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 2 Five Questions Am I HIV Positive? How Do I Find Out? What Can Be Done Medically? How Will I Be Cared For? What Will Happen To My Children?
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 3 Five Questions No. 1Am I HIV Positive? We explore the factors that prompt a person to ask this question.
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 4 HomosexualityPromiscuityProstitution SexualityMother To Child Blood Related Injecting Drug Use Rape HIV+ or HIV-? Prevention Through Education & Kingdom Living
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 5 Five Questions No. 2How Do I Find Out? We explore how one is tested for the presence of HIV, the timing of the test, and the implications of the test.
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 6 Pre Test Counselling Post Test Counselling Viral Load Tests Antibody Tests (Elisa, Western Blot) HIV Tests Window Period Antibodies No Antibodies Counselling Model HIV+ or HIV- ? HIV+ Anger Apathy Stigma Unforgiveness Fear
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 7 Five Questions No. 3What Can Be Done Medically? We consider how to fight the virus itself and how to fight the opportunistic infections that a weakened immune system permit.
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 8 Fight The Virus Fight The Infections Provide Medical Care Medicine Drugs Triple Therapy HIV+ Opportunistic Infections Mobile Clinics
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 9 Five Questions No. 4How Will I Be Cared For? We look at the provision of home care, terminal care, the emotional and spiritual needs of the patient and subsequent issues relating to dependents of the patient.
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 10 Provide Home Care Provide Terminal Care Widows Orphans Emotional and Spiritual Needs Anger Grief & Loss Mourning Reconciliation Spiritual Pain Fear of Dying Death of Patient Customs Anger Grief & Loss Mourning Burnout
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 11 Five Questions No. 5What Will Happen To My Children? The impact of a dying parent on the children is looked at and the future provision for them as AIDS orphans is considered.
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 12 Provide Home Care Provide Terminal Care Widows Orphans Emotional and Spiritual Needs Anger Grief & Loss Mourning Reconciliation Spiritual Pain Fear of Dying Death of Patient Customs Anger Grief & Loss Mourning Burnout
Judah Trust PO Box 1033, Yateley, England, GU46 6WT, Telephone +44(0) , 13 Fight Opportunistic Infections NameTypeCommon Symptom KSKaposi’s SarcomaCancerPurple blotches PCPPneumocystis Carinii PneunomiaProtzoaBreathlessness CMVCytoMegaloVirus (CMV Retinitis)VirusBlindness MAIMycobacterium Avium-IntracellulareBacteriumGut / Chest Infections CrytosporidiosisParasiteDiarrhoea CandidiasisFungusOral & Gut Thrush LIPLymphocytic Interstitial PneumonitisVirusBreathless – children