Where excellence and opportunity meet.™ WI Campus Compact, March 26, 2015 Carleen Vande Zande, Ph.D.
Department or unit 12 pt Overview Essential Questions Design Civic Learning Outcomes integration General Education courses Community Based Learning Experiences ePortfolio
Department or unit 12 pt Challenges Faculty Development Shared Understandings Discipline language Scheduling and course pairing Meaningful assessment Creating more community partnerships
Department or unit 12 pt Recommendations Look for pockets of innovation that already exist Broad involvement-alumni, partners, two year campuses too Clarify learning expectations AAC&U; Lumina DQP
Department or unit 12 pt Student preparation Scaffolding in course designs freshman to third year ePortfolio reflection Peer Mentors; Community Mentors; Alumni Mentors Make engagement activities available
Department or unit 12 pt Reciprocal Relationships Each Quest III course has a community component with a partner Policy; Handbook Public dialogue & sharing of learning Clarification of expectations Enlarge volunteer relationships to learning based relationships Involve ALUMNI
Department or unit 12 pt Faculty Development/Reviews Workshops Meetings with partners Importance of course pairing Contracts; policies of expectations Part of teaching expectations Development activities & service on committees valued
Department or unit 12 pt Assessment Course Based & Experience Based Direct & Indirect Student self-assessment eP reflections Synthesis assessment in Connect New observations of data-GPA, retention, course drops, use of support services