PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute PhD Opportunities: Plasma Physics and Fusion Howard Wilson.


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Presentation transcript:

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute PhD Opportunities: Plasma Physics and Fusion Howard Wilson

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Outline Research strands and people Our Science and research facilities  Low temperature plasmas - technological and biomedical applications  Fusion energy  Laser plasmas and high energy density physics Collaborative PhD programmes

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Academic Staff and research strands Greg Tallents (EUV lasers) Nigel Woolsey (laboratory Astro, fast Ignition …) John Pasley (fast ignition, fusion neutronics) Howard Wilson (theory plasma Instabilities) Kieran Gibson (Exp tokamak physics and diagnostics) Ben Dudson (simulation of ELMs and turbulence) Erik Wagenaars (LTP for thin films, manufacturing) Chris Ridgers (high irradiance laser- plasmas) Timo Gans (LTP for advanced manufacturing, fusion Bruce Lipshultz (exp Tokamak exhaust physics) Deborah O’Connell (LTP for biomedical apps) Roddy Vann (theory fast particles and microwave imaging Istvan Cziegler (expt tokamak physics and diagnostics) James Dedrick (LTP for space propulsion) Andy Higginbotham (HEDP, High pressure physics Chris Murphy (QED plasmas) Laser-Plasma Interactions Low Temperature Plasmas Magnetic Confinement Fusion David Dickinson Theory plasma turbulence

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Low temperature plasma research areas Intel plasma etcher at YPI Labs Atmospheric plasma for biomedical research at YPI Plasma thruster developed by our collaborators at ANU, Canberra

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Low temperature plasma research Facilities Short pulse, tunable laser at YPI provides information about plasma content

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Low temperature plasma research International collaborations

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Roadmap to Fusion Power [RCUK Energy Programme report "A 20-year vision for the UK contribution to fusion as an energy source" (2010) PhD PostdocCareer

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute MCF: Experiments on international facilities, MAST & JET tokamaks as well as theYork Linear Plasma Device In support of ITER test reactor and the demonstration fusion plant (Demo)

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute The MCF Plasma Science Issues: Through a MAST Discharge

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Tokamak research areas: From the hot core to the cool edge Magnetic confinement research areas working from the hot core to the surrounding walls Core plasma (10 7 – 10 8 K) studies of instabilities that keep the plasma from getting as hot as needed Boundary plasma (10 6 – 10 7 K) studies of the physics to make as thermally insulating layer as possible Divertor plasma & target plate Studies of techniques for dissipating the fusion energy exhaust and minimising impurities due to plasma- surface interactions

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Laser-Plasma Interaction Science QED plasmas Fusion energy: -Fast ignition at CLF -Shock ignition -Understanding NIF -Neutronics Advanced manufacturing processes Lab astrophysics and planetary physics

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute International facilities (eg NIF), national (eg Orion, CLF) and local laser facilities

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute High performance computing and data analysis cuts across all our plasma research Remote control room allows direct access to data and control of diagnostics at remote facilities The ARCHER national supercomputer is a valuable asset

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Collaborative PhD Programmes

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Low temperature plasma research York-Paris Collaborative Research Centre

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute A collaboration between five universities and three government research labs  £8.7M programme to train 77 PhD students over 5 cohorts The Universities involved are – University of Durham: advanced instrumentation; superconducting strand – University of Liverpool: low temperature plasmas – University of Manchester: materials, nuclear physics and activation – University of Oxford: materials – University of York (lead): magnetic and inertial confinement fusion; technological/medical plasmas; nuclear physics The Government research labs involved are – Culham Centre for Fusion Energy – Central Laser Facility, Rutherford Appleton Lab – AWE – National Nuclear Lab …and international labs – ITER, NIF, F4E Fusion Centre for Doctoral Training

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute A four-year PhD programme Initial team building event Outreach events “Collaboratory” mini-project: £3k research project in second year and £3k international placement Annual workshop with world-leading speakers Fusion Centre for Doctoral Training Activities Six months of taught courses (from materials to plasma science; from computer simulations to hands-on plasma/materials experiments)

PhD Open Day 18/11/2015 York Plasma Institute Contacts for more details Greg Tallents (EUV lasers) Nigel Woolsey (laboratory Astro, fast Ignition …) John Pasley (fast ignition, fusion neutronics) Howard Wilson (theory plasma Instabilities) Kieran Gibson (Exp tokamak physics and diagnostics) Ben Dudson (simulation of ELMs and turbulence) Erik Wagenaars (LTP for thin films, manufacturing) Chris Ridgers (high irradiance laser- plasmas) Timo Gans (LTP for advanced manufacturing, fusion Bruce Lipshultz (exp Tokamak exhaust Physics) Deborah O’Connell (LTP for biomedical apps) Roddy Vann (theory fast particles and microwave imaging Istvan Cziegler (expt tokamak physics and diagnostics) James Dedrick (LTP for space propulsion) Chris Murphy (QED plasmas) David Dickinson Theory plasma turbulence Andy Higginbotham (HEDP, High pressure physics