Participation of Elderly People into Labour Market: Possibilities, Attitudes and Motivation Case of Lithuania Prof.dr. Leta Dromantienė Mykolas Romeris University Vilnius, Lithuania
Main data inhabitants; 20.4 % over 60 years old Unemployment rate – 14.5 % Inflation – 2.5 % GDP growth – 3.9
Employment rate: 15-64: 63.6% 50-69: 49.6%
Social assistance to unemployed Passive means: social assistance benefits; early retirement pensions; disability pensions, etc., Active means: knowledge updating and requalification courses, etc.
Reasons for the ageing of the work force Baby boom after the second world war; The low birth rates began in1980s The low participation rates of ageing workers; Declining labour supply
Expected proportion of two different age groups of workers (15–24 years, and 50–64 years) from the entire workforce (15-66 years) in the EU over the next 25 years. Ilmarinen J E Occup Environ Med 2001;58: ©2001 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
Main conclusions from EU statistics on ageing There will be more potential aging (50 years and over) workers in the work force than ever before Workers aged 50 years and older will comprise the largest proportion (> 30%) of the work force during the next 25 years There will be fewer younger workers (25 years and younger) in the work force than ever before The work force participation rates of workers 55 years of age and over is declining greatly The age dependency ratios will increase greatly during the next 15– 25 years
Motivation of elder employees to stay in labour market in Lithuania 70 % - need update knowledge 52 % - need flexible time table 51% - need better working conditions; 78.8 % - financial need is the most important factor; 14.3% - work because want to increase retirement pension; 5.5% - work because of not financial reasons and for self-expression; 48.9 % - social interests
The main reasons of elder people declining participation in labour market Lack of open-mindedness and receptivity to innovations; More complicated adaptability to changes; Worsen health according with age; Stereotypes in society; Increasing supply of specialists and competition among them
Possible measures learning at work place; health care, risk prevention at work place; personal employment plan; consultations; subsidy of employers; change attitudes in society towards ageing of employees
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