CONTRASTING PARADIGMS Romanticism: Present life as we would want it to be. Realism: Present life as it actually is.
CAUSES OF THE RISE OF REALISM Reaction against Romantic excesses: Emotion Sentimentality Idealism Distorted reality
CAUSES OF THE RISE OF REALISM Industrialism Progress at cost of human dignity Cogs in a machine: dehumanizing; thoughtless automatons Low pay; no unions Horrendous working conditions Ghettos/big city slums Loss of the American Dream Rich get richer; poor get poorer
CAUSES OF THE RISE OF REALISM Darwin and the theory of Evolution and Natural Selection We are glorified apes—not created in God’s image No soul or spirit: driven be same motives as animals Nature is not divine or good Natural Selection seems to justify destruction of the weak to feed the strong
CAUSES OF THE RISE OF REALISM Science and Rational Thought reborn Emphasis on objective, observable fact Downplays imagination and intuition Cold analysis over emotion: back to the Age of Reason in a way Questioning of spiritual realms, God, that are beyond observable, empirical fact
CAUSES OF THE RISE OF REALISM The Civil War Death and destruction on an unprecedented scale Causes questioning of God’s nature: Why did He allow this if he is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving? Causes questioning of human nature: If we are good, why do we do this to each other? Causes questioning of progress: We seem to have just created better, more efficient ways to kill each other
TOTAL, OVERALL EFFECT Disillusionment: beginnings of the loss of faith we see more profoundly later on. Loss of the foundations of our faith. Pessimism: hard to feel good about God, people, nature, or the human condition Cold analysis Attempt to find something to use as a foundation: the everyday, the common, the physical: things we can be absolutely sure of
ELEMENTS OF REALISM Ordinary, not extraordinary people Middle or lower class People you could meet on an average day: soldiers, farmers, teachers, grandfathers Commonplace events and settings Places you could actually see and visit The near and familiar as opposed to the far away and exotic
ELEMENTS OF REALISM All aspects of life are examined Nothing is taboo: must represent life AS IT IS, even the ugly, the degrading, the uncomfortable The Jungle: meatpacking industry Descriptive detail Describe people, places, things minutely Focus on concrete, objective detail Accuracy of description is critical
ELEMENTS OF REALISM Accuracy of Setting Plot: “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offences” Language: often written in dialect so that the actual sound of language could be rendered Character Plain, straightforward prose Smaller words and shorter sentences: keep it simple and real.
ELEMENTS OF REALISM Author as objective reporter giving us an unbiased “slice of life.” Nothing ever is free of bias... Psychological Realism Render not just our physical appearances and actions realistically; also render internal mental and emotional aspects of people accurately. Poe was wayyyy ahead of time here
THE CHALLENGE OF REALISM Seems simple on surface: observe, report. It is very difficult to observe accurately It is very difficult to be unbiased Most people live in a cloud of fantasy, illusion, and daydreaming: must cut through that. Takes more skill than it first appears to be accurate, truthful, and objective