NEED A lmost all diseases have immunological aspects and most of the therapy selections may require immunological approach. At many hospital departments there are professionals with some immunological knowledge; however they are not experts of this field therefore they require a consultation facility to apply this immunological approach.
SOLUTION The Virtual Immunological Department connects the various hspital departments in the information space. The system that realises the Virtual Immunological Department offers: virtual forum for the professionals to help fast consultation, direct connection to the immunological laboratory, tools for the analysis of patient data, tools for knowledge management and processing.
REALISATION The Virtual Immunological Department is realized by a software system based on an integrated data-(Electronic Patient Record) and knowledge base. The architecture of the system helps clinical use and facilitates knowledge management.
BLOCK DIAGRAM of CLINICAL USE immunological user interface EPR knowledge base immunological laboratory data analysis knowledge interpreter
REPRESENTED KNOWLEDGE background knowledge is stored in the terminology base (OO models, production rules etc.), guidelines are represented according to GLIF3 standard, descriptive models of diseases are represented by symptome-syndrome trees (evaluated by threshold logic)
EPR TERMINOLOGY BASE KNOWLEDGE BASE PATIENT REGISTRY THE STRUCTURE OF THE UNIFIED DATA AND KNOWLEDGE BASE Terminology base connects knowledge and data and stores simple background knowledge Knowledge, terminology base and EPR are organised according to an OO model
The intelligent data analysis modul helps the user to survey and process patient data. The module visualizes data, checks consistency, completes time series, executes different statistical analysis, helps detect problems and build patient oriented models. INTELLIGENT DATA ANALYSIS
LABORATORY SYSTEM user interface data base terminology and knowledge base knowledge management editor
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT EPR data analysis knowledge engineer editors knowledge base