Chinese Dragon: Year of the SheepChinese Dragon: Year of the Sheep Dr. Herbert N. Richardson 21st Century SchoolDr. Herbert N. Richardson 21st Century School February 2015February 2015 Powerpoint by Mrs. van den Akker
Year of the SHEEP The Chinese commonly regard sheep as an auspicious animal, and the Year of the Sheep, therefore, heralds a year of promise and prosperity. "Yáng" ( 羊 ) is a component of another written Chinese character "xiang" ( 祥 ), which means auspiciousness, and the two were interchangeable in ancient Chinese, according to one source. It is also a part of the character "shan" ( 善 ), which counts kindness and benevolence as among its meanings. 祥 善 In Chinese astrology Sheep are described as loving- peace and "kind" and "popular". With the addition of the wood element, the Sheep characteristic is thought to love peace and to be helpful and trusting, but yet also to be "clinging" and of a nature resistant to change.
Chinese Dragon Performance
A Special “Thank You” to the following people: Our Administrative team Our Administrative team Our Custodial team Our Custodial team Our Dragon Volunteers Our Dragon Volunteers Mrs. Nordt Mrs. Nordt Mrs. Perez Mrs. Perez Our great Audience Our great Audience Channel 34 Channel 34