Crime Crime Trends Corp crime vs street crime Myths about street crime “Criminals” Gangs Immigrants
Crime Four concepts: Demographics Surplus populations Illicit economies “Losers”
Crime Drop in street crime in 1990s – why? Aging out of baby boomers and echo boomers Econ boom – new technologies – new jobs Immigration – attracted by strong economy Another demographic view - Abortion New theories – Lead and Alcohol Drop has leveled off, similar in other countries
Crime Victims (powerpoint) 20 million +/- (doesn’t incl corp, victimless) Most are not reported to police ¼ violent - but most petty assault Victims disproportionately: young, male, poor, minority
Crime Arrests (powerpoint) Pyramid Tables illustrate dropping rates (arrests) 14 million arrests! Mostly white, disprop minority Note clearance rates at the end
Crime England - similar patterns to US 1/5 imprisonment rate of US Concerned about reentry problems Similar confusion regarding causes of drop in the 1990s