“Women hold up half of the sky” -Chinese Proverb
In groups of 2 – 3… (of people you do not know!) Spend 3 – 5 minutes Each person answers the set of questions One at a time, take turns Go around until you are done!
In groups of 2 – 3… (of people you do not know!) 1.Name 2.Major, year in school 3.Hometown 4.Favorite Professor 5.Why did you take this class?
Same groups! Spend minutes Each person answers any question One at a time, take turns Go around until you are done!
Same groups! 1.What are you looking forward to the most about this class? 2.…What are you not looking forward to? 3.Describe a time you overcame adversity. 4.Describe a successful experience in EECS at UTK 5.Describe an unsuccessful professional experience 6.Describe an experience which was difficult due to misunderstanding to opposing sides?