Conductivity & pH
Focus Question What conductivity and pH values do you expect to find in ditch water compared to tap water?
Hypothesis If……then…….. Statement. If……then…….. Statement. Will the water from the ditch have a significantly different conductivity and pH than tap water? Will the water from the ditch have a significantly different conductivity and pH than tap water?
Information 1) pH values: 1-6 Acidic 6 Neutral 6 Neutral 8-14 Alkaline/Basic 8-14 Alkaline/Basic 2) Conductivity values 0perfectly clear/distilled water Larger #more murkiness
Procedures/Conductivity 1) Gather water samples in clear sample containers (fill to line) 2) Connect Conductivity Probe to ch1 on LabPro 3) Turn on palm 4) Insert probe into water sample 5) Select Data Sample program on palm 6) Read Conductivity level
Procedures/pH 1) Gather water samples 2) Connect pH Sensor to ch1 on LabPro 3) Turn on palm 4) Insert probe into water sample 5) Select Data Sample program on palm 6) Read pH level for each sample
Collect Data
Analyze Results Compare the conductivity of the tap water to the conductivity of the ditch water. Compare the conductivity of the tap water to the conductivity of the ditch water. Compare the pH of the tap water to the pH of the ditch water. Compare the pH of the tap water to the pH of the ditch water. Use Chi Square Analysis to see if the results are/are not Significant. Use Chi Square Analysis to see if the results are/are not Significant.
Conclusion Based on the results of the Chi Square Analysis, are the results of the pH and conductivity tests significant? Based on the results of the Chi Square Analysis, are the results of the pH and conductivity tests significant? Was your hypothesis supported? Was your hypothesis supported?