By Andrew Roland
Buzz and Woody are making a cooking show and each contestant had to bring a hotdog, a wrap for the hotdog, a drink, a head shot, and a powder. They are about to start the tryouts when Buzz was poisoned.
The criminal left all of their tryout stuff at the scene. The Scientists have done many tests on that stuff to see who poisoned Buzz.
SuspectDrinkWrapPowderHot Dog Wicked witchWaterZincAscorbic acidFat free Snow WhiteAlcoholSulfurAscorbic acidLight pork Daffy DuckGrape drinkPlasticSodium polyacrylatePork ShrekWaterIronSucroseFat free DorothySalt waterAluminumBaking sodaPork Princess LeiaVinegarIronAscorbic acidLight pork Harry PotterLemonadeCopperSucroseLight pork Jimmy NeutronWaterIronSodium polyacrylatePork Icky VickyvinegarAluminumAscorbic acidLight pork Darth VaderSalt waterAluminumSodium chlorideFat free Lord VoldemortSalt waterZincBaking sodaFat free GoofyAlcoholCopperSodium chloridePork ArielWaterIronsucrosePork UrsalaAlcoholPlasticSodium polyacrylateFat free DonkeyVinegarCopperSodium chlorideLight pork Prince CharmingSalt waterAluminumBaking sodaFat free Nancy DrewSalt waterIronSodium chloridePork Sponge BobWaterZincsucrosePork DoraSalt waterZincBaking sodaLight pork Luke SkywalkerSalt wateraluminumSodium polyacrylateFat free Suspects and what they brought
For drinks the scientist tested density, color, conductivity, smell, reactivity, and flammability.
Density 1.take a graduated cylinder and full it with water up to the then place your drink in and see if it stays at the top or if it floats to the bottom. 3.record your data
Conductivity drink on the tray conductivity meter in and test it 3.record your data
DrinksDensit y ColorSmellConductivityReactivityFlammability Pure water 1.0clearnone Alcohol sinksclearyesnone yes Salt water sinksNot that clear none Vinegar floatsclearbad smell nonefizzynone Grape drink floatsredgoodnonefizzynone Lemonade with pulp sinksyellowgoodnonefizzynone Crime scene liquid 1.0clearnone
DrinkObservationsPure substance or mixture? Homogeneous or heterogeneous? If it is a pure substance, is it an element or a compound? Pure water It is clearPure substance heterogeneouscompound Rubbing alcohol Really bad smell Pure substance heterogeneouscompound Salt water Not really clear mixturehomogeneousnot Vinegar smellPure substance heterogeneouscompound Grape drink It is redmixtureheterogeneousnot Lemonade with pulp It is yellowmixturehomogeneousnot Crime Scene Clear, no smell Pure substance heterogeneouscompound
The drink must be pure water.
For the powders The scientists tested solubility, conductivity(with a conductivity meter),melting, reactivity(we used vinegar for that), and flammability. Here is the scientists results.
Powderssolubilityconductivitymeltingreactivityflammability Sucrose yesnoneyesnoneyes Baking soda none yesburnt Sodium polyacrylate expandsnone yesnone Sodium chloride none Ascorbic acid dissovlenoneyesnone Crime scene powder yesnoneyesnothingnone
PowderObservationsPure substance or mixture? Homogeneous or heterogeneous? If it is a pure substance, is it an element or a compound? SucroseIt is white, with rough feel mixtureheterogeneousnone Baking SodaIt is whitemixtureheterogeneousnone Sodium polyacrylate It expands with vinegar mixtureheterogeneousnone Sodium chloride It is rocky and white mixtureheterogeneousnone Ascorbic acid Dissolves in vinegar mixtureheterogeneousnone Crime Scene powder It is white and rough feel mixtureheterogeneousnone
The powder must be sucrose
For the hot dogs The scientists did mass pre squeeze, mass post squeeze, reactivity(we used iodine for that),and conductivity (with a conductivity meter). Here is the scientists results.
Hot dogs Mass pre squeeze Mass post squeeze ColorConductivityReactivity Pork hot dog 11.5g10.6gtanhighTurns black Light pork hot dog 9.5g8.5gbrownVery high none Fat free hot dog 11g9.5gYellow brown highTurns black Crime scene hot dog 11.3g10.4gtanhighTurns black
Hot dogObservationsPure substance or mixture? Homogeneous or heterogeneous? If it is a pure substance, is it an element or a compound? Pork hot dogIt was tan colored mixturehomogeneousnone Light pork hot dog It was brownmixturehomogeneousnone Fat free hot dog It was yellowish brown mixturehomogeneousnone Crime scene hot dog It was tan and fat mixturehomogeneousnone
The hot dog must be pork
For the wraps the scientists did malubility, luster, conductivity (with a conductivity meter),reactivity (with ascorbic acid), and density. Here is the scientists results.
WrapsMalubilityLusterConductivityDensityReactivity Plasticyesdullnonefloatnone AluminumyesshinyVery highsinknone ZincyesdullVery highsinknone Copperyesshinyhighsinkcleans IronyesshinyhighsinkBubbles and cleans Sulfurnodullnonesinknone Crime scene wrap yesdullVery highsinkBubbles and cleans
WrapObservationsPure substance or mixture? Homogeneous or heterogeneous? If it is a pure substance, is it an element or a compound? PlasticIt is pinkmixtureheterogeneousnone AluminumIt is really shiny Pure substance heterogeneouselement ZincIt is just shinyPure substance heterogeneouselement CopperIt is brownPure substance heterogeneouselement IronHas a hole in it Pure substance heterogeneouselement SulfurIt is yellowPure substance heterogeneouselement Crime scene wrap Has a hole in it Pure substance heterogeneouselement
The wrap must be iron
“A forensic chemist is a professional chemist who analyzes evidence that is brought in from crime scenes and reaches a conclusion based on tests run on that piece of evidence” Excerpt from fpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_ARTICLEMAIN&node _id=1188&content_id=CTP_003390&use_sec=tru e&sec_url_var=region1&__uuid=c03b289e af c1a5258
Wrap-iron Hot dog-pork Powder-sucrose Drink- pure water It Must be Ariel
ntent?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_ARTI CLEMAIN&node_id=1188&content_id=C TP_003390&use_sec=true&sec_url_var=r egion1&__uuid=c03b289e af c1a5258