Part 2
Safety Wear eye protection apron gloves
throwing objects is NOT allowed
you should always clean up your work area
Accidents never use a hand tool when others are standing within your safety zone
when using tools, do not wear loose, baggy clothing nor jewelry
never touch a spinning or rotating tool
never taste any substance nor object
Acids/Bases chemicals that release hydrogen or hydroxide ions when mixed with water, becoming corrosive
Chemicals Materials that may produce reactions leading to corrosion, noxious fumes, or other negative effects when used inappropriately
Combustibles any material that burns easily
Hand tools non-motorized implements used to do work in the lab
Hazardous waste materials that become toxic or could possible endanger species and the quality of the environment when released
Metals shiny, dense, malleable elements that can be toxic if ingested, inhaled in powder or vapor form, or taken in through the skin
MSDS Materials Safety and Data Sheet
contains information about chemicals purchased from a science supply vendor; lists all of the properties and possible hazards of the chemical
Organic compounds chemical compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and often times oxygen bonded together
Safe environment teaching and learning conditions that promote and allow attitudes and procedures that avoid accidents and injury
Solvents materials that dissolve other chemicals
Toxins materials that are or may become harmful if taken into the body or released into the environment
Electrical Safety
any electrical circuit is a potential hazard
Unsafe Practices
using unsafe or defective tools or equipment
failure to de-energize equipment
using tools or equipment in an unsafe manner
working in hazardous places
Types of equipment frequently involved in electrical accidents :
motor driven equipment control devices portable electric tools switches panels
cutouts conductors plugs and fuses electric extension cords
Improperly Grounded ground wires are missing broken or improperly connected
What is the proper way to unplug or disconnect an electrical cord?
by the plug
It is unsafe to use a metal ladder while working on electrical equipment.