By: Valentina Arbeláez
Habitat The gorillas are the largest of the living primates. They inhabit the forests of Central America. They are divided into two species, even in four or five sub- species. Adult males range in height 1.65 to 1.75, and weight 140 to 200 kg. Adult females are often half size of a silver back.
Why are they endangered? Both species of gorilla are endangered and have been subject to intense poaching for a long time. Treats to gorilla survival includes habitat destruction and the bushmen trade. Gorillas are one of the most endangered species in the world today. Human actions have placed the largest of the apes in danger of extinction. With no natural predators, it's up to humans to take the initiative and work to save endangered gorillas in the wild. work
The gorillas are herbivore, they eat only plants. The most important food for them are fruits, leaves, and shoots. They do not eat meat.
They are three to four years between births. Gorillas are closely related to humans, and are considered highly intelligent. They are inoffensive.
Donate money to conservation efforts. Adopt a wild gorilla Steer clear of purchasing any product or food which has been made from a gorilla. Work or volunteer in gorilla conservation organizations. Participate in research studies. Monitor gorilla populations and promote public awareness.