Adherence Strategy Engineering Framework STTAPC1
What is ASEF “A conceptual and practical design space for developing and evaluating novel technology-based solutions to assess and improve patient adherence levels and quantify the quality of healthcare data obtained in the unsupervised setting.” (Wagner et al.)
Five Elements of ASEF
Important Aspects of Adherence Adherence model Full adherence model (FAM) Reduced adherence model (RAM) Adherence level
Important Aspects Adherence verifiers Adherence aids Contextual bias
ASEF Design Method Analysis Process StepDescription 1 Investigate the problem domain under consideration, the disease and its consequences, state-of-the-art healthcare interventions in current use, healthcare process, adherence strategies, technologies, and tools. 2 Identify and describe the different stakeholders and their roles in the healthcare process, and how they view and engage in the healthcare process 3Identify guidelines and recommendations used by healthcare professionals as part of the currently used state-of-the-art healthcare process 4Identify possible sources of bias that are currently not quantifiable by state-of-the-art processes, adherence strategies, and technologies Design Process StepDescription 6 Analyze and suggest relevant sensor technology to detect and quantify adherence levels and map out a reduced adherence model that can map current strategies for baseline evaluation 7 Analyze and suggest relevant reporting format to healthcare professionals, patients, and other stakeholders for verification data using adherence verifiers, and possible adherence aids. Evaluation Process StepDescription 9Develop an evaluation prototype for investigating the novel adherence strategy 10Qualitatively evaluate the suggested adherence strategy through evaluation prototypes in lab 11Qualitatively evaluate the suggested adherence strategy through evaluation prototypes in situ 12Consider clinical evaluation in cooperation with clinical community if feasible