2-105 C B A
Instructions: Read and follow instructions. The “dynamic geometry tool” you need can be linked to from my Geometry page (2.3.2). Make sure you are writing answers to the questions so we can go back over them. Continue on to 2-107, and then answer in your Learning Log.
2.3.3: The shortcut! (Resource Page & tape are up front) –After completing part a, copy the picture from the book onto your resource page –After completing part c, tape the triangles down. Write the answer to d on this page, relating the areas of the white space in both pictures (use link on Geometry webpage). See if you can rearrange the pieces from the square of side length a and the square of side length b to form a square of side length c. Answer 2-115b on a new sheet for your LL (use lined paper). I apologize; I forgot to leave room! Continue on to Problems and 117 (more practice)
2-115b Learning Log Use a blank page (there is no room left on your LL) Be sure to explain when the Pythagorean theorem can or can’t be used, as well as when/why you would need to use it. Also explain why this works in your own words. Turn in your LL (both pages) by the end of class.