Adoptions in Germany
Restrictions by the law only single persons or married couples can adopt the adopting parents have to be 25 violent and sexual previous convictions are not allowed parents must have a perfect health
Recommendations by the offices age difference between parents and child should be less than 40 years one parent should not work housing conditions and psychology are tested the religion does not matter
Agreement by parents and child In general both have to consent but the guardians' court can always agree
Adoptions of foreign kids The Hague Convention on Inter-Country Adoption mostly done by private persons
Statistics 50% less adoptions since : 886 kids given up, 8914 parents searching for a kid 2008: 2950 German and 1137 foreign kids adopted 2009: 1692 kids adopted by non-relatives, 130 kids less than 3 years old
Orphans in Germany In 2004 there were approximately orphans