G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL DCS Software Planning G. Dissertori ETHZ
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS HVLVTSSCooling TEMP. + HUMID. Monit. ALARMS LASERXDAQ Framework
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS had a meeting yesterday (HV, LV, TSS, F. Glege) for mid-2003 (SM0) : first prototype of DCS software system in PVSS should include HV, LV, Temp.Monit., TSS, Cooling?, Framework with FSM, Partitioning, communication with XDAQ and ECAL DAQ? test of this prototype during 2003 beg. 2004: production setup for the SM calibration at H4 during 2004, probably all resources needed for calibration beg. 2005: first tests of a setup for full ECAL (maybe start with reduced size) may have to find a location to do such a test from mid 2005 on : install equipment and start testing of the full system beg : full system ready Planning: Software
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS up to end-2003 : subprojects software covered by responsible groups, framework covered, but I guess with substantial help/input needed (from Frank, I guess) end : have to shift manpower (1 person) to framework, probably from TSS and Temp. monitoring in : would like to get help for the test and integration of full system, also for the interfacing with the DAQ : 1 person (0.5 FTE ?) Planning: Manpower
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS we think it would be extremely helpful/important to have remote access to PVSS (via WEB) particularly for safety system, Alarm subpanel for all platforms some good interface to histogramming package, eg. ROOT concentrate on EB+EE at the moment. But must not forget SE! Wishes/ Request / AOB
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS HV issues they use CAEN PS. Supported by JCOP. modules start to be produced now, start arriving end to be decided: how much testing done in Rome and at CERN Rome group will develop the HV PVSS application prototype should be ready for SM0 they will have Labview as backup
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS LV issues exact system not yet defined ( in terms of hardware ) planned to use DCUs (CCUs) to control the LVRs therefore: will use XDAQ therefore : will need PVSS - XDAQ interface hopefully a very first prototype ready for SM0
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS TSS issues a first prototype already used in 2002 (M0’) the TSS (Belgrade) group will build the application should be ready for SM0 need good communication with DAQ, in order to get information from sensors integrated in PCBs needs communication with cooling and overall CMS DSS hardware integration : prototype for SM0, final solution for 2004 during calibration. ECAL : start in 2005.
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS Temp. Monit. issues a first prototype already used in 2002 (M0’) the Protvino group (together with ETHZ) will build the application should be ready for SM0 needs communication with cooling (feedback) integration: similar to TSS
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS Cooling issues are going to start discussion with them (Frank, Andromaki, GD,...) I think at the moment they use Labview
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS Laser issues I have to contact them most probably, they will have their own software but at least we need software communication with the Laser system in order to know hardware status
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS XDAQ issues first tests for communication ECAL PVSS - XDAQ first half of 2003 so hopefully ready for SM0
G. Dissertori ETHZ CMS Electronics ECAL Electronics, DCS FRAMEWORK issues A. Lister (ETHZ) just started to work on it hopefully first prototype ready for SM0 with FSM, partitioning, alarm handling, XDAQ interface... Note : planned that Alison leaves for CDF end 2003 (for some time). See man power issues....