1 Updates on the Current Situation of Victims of Typhoons Ondoy, Pepeng, Santi and Frank & Extent of Humanitarian Assistance As of 4 March 2010
2 Breakdown on Number of Affected By the Three Storm RegionNo. of Families CAR 89,961 NCR197,583 I484,950 II117,039 III419,499 IV-A722,338 v104,227 TOTAL 2,135,597
3 Breakdown on Number of Damaged Houses As of March 4, 2010 RegionTotallyPartiallyTotal CAR1,1646,2657,429 NCR8,10877,06485,172 I3,36721,97625,343 II1,41915,50416,923 III1,3911,0772,468 IV-A11,11498,147109,261 V2,56925,66128,230 TOTAL29,132245,694274,826
4 Updates on the Early Recovery & Rehabilitation Projects for Victims of Typhoons Ondoy, Pepeng and Santi As of 4 March 2010
5 SUMMARY OF ASSISTANCE Interventions Projects No. of Families Total Cost 1. CSAP for totally damaged Houses1,875Php 131,250, ESA for partially damaged houses5,84057,489, Cash/Food –for-Work8,49413,779, Burial Assistance5885,545, Balik Probinsya159636, Pabaon for Relocated Families3,5875,902, Total20,543Php 214,601, Updates on the Early Recovery & Rehabilitation Projects for Victims of Typhoons Ondoy, Pepeng and Santi Note: * As of January 13, 2010
6 Funded Shelter Assistance As of March 4, 2010 RegionCSAP for Totally Damaged Houses ESA for Partially Damaged Houses Total Cost of Assistance No. of Units Cost of Assistance No. of Units Cost of Assistance CAR ,632, NCR3,587* 0.002,44015,026, I245 17,150, ,628, ,778, II940 65,800, ,800, III690 48,300, ,474, ,774, IV-A ,650, V ,079, TOTAL 1,875131,250, ,84057,489, ,739, Shelter Assistance Projects: * relocated to NHA Housing Projects
7 2. Cash/ Food -for-Work: Region No. of Family- Beneficiaries Total Cost NCR3,8807,112, CAR140273, Region I656634, Region II500885, Region III2,2182,527, Region IV-A1,1002,346, Total8,49413,779, Updates on the Early Recovery & Rehabilitation Projects for Victims of Typhoons Ondoy, Pepeng and Santi Note: * 2,690 families with total cost of P 6,213, funded by UNDP
8 3. Other Services Region Burial AssistanceBalik Probinsya Total Cost Familie s Cost of Assistance Families Cost of Assistance NCR91910, , ,457, CAR 2572,570, R. I55280, R. III44375, R.IV-A1411,410, , ,499, Total5885,545, ,272.00P6,181, Updates on the Early Recovery & Rehabilitation Projects for Victims of Typhoons Ondoy, Pepeng and Santi Note: * As of January 13, 2010
9 Thank You! Department of Social Welfare and Development IBP Complex, Constitution Hills Quezon City