Housing a Prisoner
Capital Punishment $150 to the executioner $20 for the last meal $150 for a new suit for the inmate's burial $525 for the undertaker's services and a coffin. $1,000=Total Cost to execute One appeal can cost $70,000 If a prisoner appeals more than once, it can cost up to $275,000 per appeal Total Cost to execute one inmate after housing and appealing: 5 to 7 million dollars
Law Enforcement continues Department of Justice: Part of the executive branch. Headed by the attorney general. Includes… Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): has the authority and responsibility to investigate federal crimes. On the state level – State Bureau of Investigation (SBI): is the state’s version of the FBI. They investigate civil and criminal cases involving the state or multiple jurisdictions and provide support such, as laboratory and record services to local agencies. Secret Service: now part of Homeland Security was created under the Dept. of Treasury as its primary jurisdiction was over counterfeiting. It also protects the president, vice president and other high ranking government officials, candidates for the office of President & V.P., and visiting foreign heads of state.
Law Enforcement continues U.S. National Guard: remains under state authority but may be called into federal service City police maintain law & order within municipalities. Sheriff highest elected law-enforcement officer of a county. Those that work for the sheriff are called deputies. State Police: enforce traffic laws on interstates and state highways, protect the governor, oversee the security of the state capitol, and train new officers for small local police forces that do not have an academy.
Law Enforcement Goal 6.03, 6.07 Regulatory Commissions – these agencies control certain types of businesses and industries. 1.Federal Reserve System: Establishes general monetary policies. 2.Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Prevents monopolies & unfair business practices. 3.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): Regulates the stock market 4.Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Regulates radio & TV 5.National Labor Relations Board: Protects the rights of employees 6.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Works to eliminate job discrimination 7.Consumer Production Safety Commission: Develops standards of safety for consumer goods.