Macular Degeneration and strabismus
Macular degeneration A disease of the macula (the area of sharpest Vision) Age related caused by damage to the blood vessels that nourish the eye Types ◦Dry- occurs when fatty deposits block blood flow causing a gradual loss of central vision. ◦Wet- abnormal growth of blood vessels causing blood and fluids to leak and damage the eye.
Macular Degeneration Treatment ◦Dry- no cure or ability to stop progression Magnifiers and increased lighting may help slightly ◦Wet Laser treatment to seal the leak VIDEO VIDEO
Strabismus a disorder in which the two eyes do not line up in the same direction, and therefore do not look at the same object at the same time.
Strabismus Etiology- Caused by muscle weakness in one or both eyes. Treatment ◦Corrective lenses ◦Eye exercises ◦Eye patches ◦Surgery on the muscle that moves the eye ◦Video # 2Video # 2