How Topic Editors Select/Assign Reviewers ? For the NCPEA Publications
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Clicking on the manuscript ID number takes you to this screen……
Reviewing……… You will receive an when a manuscript is delegated to you as Topic Editor or Assistant Editor The will include a link to your account (or enter later) The manuscript delegated to you will be in the Tab, Associate Editor Click on the Submission ID (far left) to open the Submission Summary From the menu Editor Actions, click on Select/Assign Reviewers From the Master List of ALL NCPEA Reviewers, find reviewers that match your publication (e.g., IJELP), and do not select reviewers with “Pending Reviews” Place a check in the box to the left of the reviewer’s name Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on “Add to Potential Reviewers List” Once in the potential list, click on Make Assignments Last step, click on Assign This Reviewer An is automatically generated by FastTrack and sent to selected reviewer (with a 14 day window) Check the manuscript every few days, and once both “blind reviewers” are returned, a decision must be made to accept, accept with revisions, or reject