1 May 20, 2010 JWST Fine Guidance Sensor Status of Testing the FGS ETU Pierre Chayer, André Martel, Kevin Volk, Sherie Holfeltz, Alex Fullerton, Ed Nelan.


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Presentation transcript:

1 May 20, 2010 JWST Fine Guidance Sensor Status of Testing the FGS ETU Pierre Chayer, André Martel, Kevin Volk, Sherie Holfeltz, Alex Fullerton, Ed Nelan

2 May 20, 2010 FGS and Optical Telescope Element 2 m 100 mm Pick-Off Mirror TMA Mirrors Focus Mirror Detectors

FGS Optical Assembly 3 May 20, 2010

FGS Test Configuration 4 May 20, 2010

Optical Ground System Equipment (OGSE) 5 May 20, 2010 Al Interface plate Telescope towerCable support structure Adjusting cell & optical fibers

OGSE Point Sources 6 May 20, 2010 Type 1: 0.8 to 2.5 μm Type 2: 0.8 to 2.5 μm, ± 40 μm travel

FGS ETU Test Setup 7 May 20, 2010

FGS Detector Assembly 8 May 20, 2010

FGS ETU 9 May 20, 2010

FGS ETU 10 May 20, 2010

David Florida Laboratory TV3 Chamber 11 May 20, 2010

Cryo-Vac Test Configuration 12 May 20, 2010

Thermal Results Details 13 May 20, 2010

FGS ETU CVAC Plan Focus Sweeps: Best Focus Position. Performance Tracking Fine Guiding Demonstration Acquisition Identification 14 May 20, 2010

Full Frame Image Light Check 15 May 20, 2010 For Normal gain, the Big Square is fully saturated on the first frame and the perimeter is fully saturated by the second frame…

OGSE On 16 May 20, 2010 Raw and CDS(2-1) MOSAIC of OGSE spots. All spots except for 2-7 visible.

Acquisition 17 May 20, 2010 ACQ 1 ACQ2

Tracking & Fine Guiding 18 May 20, 2010 TRK1 (1863) FG1 (1864) TRK2 (1865) FG2 (1866)

64x2048 Strip Mosaic 19 May 20, 2010 This test produced all 32 strips in the FITS file ok.

Background level 20 May 20, 2010