Incarnational living in the future church
Public ministry of Jesus Current model of local church: Gather for worship Scatter for mission
Public ministry of Jesus The current model: Gather for worship Scatter for mission But difficult to engage in mission alone
Public ministry of Jesus The current model Difficult to engage in mission alone So God wants mission in community
Public ministry of Jesus The current model Difficult to engage in mission alone So God wants mission in community Divine communion-in-mission
Public ministry of Jesus The current model Difficult to engage in mission alone So God wants mission in community Divine communion-in-mission Creation
Public ministry of Jesus The current model Difficult to engage in mission alone So God wants mission in community Divine communion-in-mission Creation Israel
Public ministry of Jesus The current model Difficult to engage in mission alone So God wants mission in community Divine communion-in-mission Creation Israel Jesus & disciples
Public ministry of Jesus The current model Difficult to engage in mission alone So God wants mission in community These communities are to be in life
Public ministry of Jesus Mission is not a 2 nd step for God God wants mission to be done in community These communities are to be in life Fresh expressions look back to the past
Public ministry of Jesus Mission is not a 2 nd step for God God wants mission to be done in community These communities are to be in life Fresh expressions look back to the past And they herald the future
Jesus’ death and resurrection Attractional mission
Jesus’ death and resurrection Attractional mission Practiced by Jesus & disciples
Jesus’ death and resurrection Attractional mission Practiced by Jesus & disciples Echoed Israel
Jesus’ death and resurrection Attractional mission Practiced by Jesus & disciples Echoed Israel Crucifixion and resurrection ‘Death’ of Jesus’ community
Jesus’ death and resurrection Attractional mission Practiced by Jesus & disciples Echoed Israel Crucifixion and resurrection ‘Death’ of Jesus’ community ‘Resurrection’ of Jesus’ community
Jesus’ death and resurrection Attractional mission Practiced by Jesus & disciples Echoed Israel Crucifixion and resurrection ‘Death’ of Jesus’ community ‘Resurrection’ of Jesus’ community Resurrected community to be sent out
Jesus’ death and resurrection Attractional mission Practiced by Jesus & disciples Echoed Israel Crucifixion and resurrection ‘Death’ of Jesus’ community ‘Resurrection’ of Jesus’ community Resurrected to be sent out Attractional dispersed mission
The ascension Connecting with culture To reach it To bring it into church?
The ascension Connecting with culture To reach it To bring it into church? Jesus lived as a Jew and ascended as a Jew
The ascension Connecting with culture To reach it To bring it into church? Jesus lived as a Jew and ascended as a Jew The Jewishness of Jesus
The ascension Connecting with culture To reach it To bring it into church? Jesus lived as a Jew and ascended as a Jew The Jewishness of Jesus Jesus did not leave his Jewishness behind
The ascension Connecting with culture To reach it To bring it into church? Jesus lived as a Jew and ascended as a Jew The Jewishness of Jesus Jesus did not leave his Jewishness behind New believers should not leave their cultures behind
Conclusion: summary Gather-for-worship, scatter-for-mission mission in community, in life Attractional mission dispersed mission Distinctive church culture church shaped by believers’ cultures
Conclusion: how do fresh expressions come to birth? loving and serving activity form community explore discipleship church takes shape underpinned by prayer, ongoing listening and relationship with the wider church listening do it again
Research in fresh expressions 26
The contribution of research Providing an evidence base 27
Church Army Research Unit, Oct known fresh expressions in UK Church Army Research Unit, fresh expressions in ¼ of C of E dioceses Mainly in last 5 years 20,863 people - equivalent to a new diocese 13% of parishes have a fresh expression Of those who attend 25% are existing churchgoers 35% are lapsed churchgoers 40% are never churched Average size is 44 Started by small teams – of 3-12 people Av. mortality rate is nearly 10% Fresh Expressions28
The contribution of research Providing an evidence base Stories To inspire To educate 29
Motivational stories contain: A clear change idea An example that is authentically true The viewpoint of a single person A vision Minimal detail From Stephen Denning, The Leader’s guide to story telling fresh expressions in the Church of England30
Educational stories Based on mistakes Explanation is central Contain more detail Ideally, relate the explanation to a general principle fresh expressions in the Church of England31
The contribution of research Providing an evidence base Stories Good practice - by Observing practice Finding theory that illuminates practice 32
Finding theory to illuminate practice: an example How to discern what to do: Community development literature Stuart Murray, Planting Churches, 2008 Entrepreneurship literature: Saras Sarasvathy, Effectuation, 2008 Design literature Nigel Cross, Design Thinking,
The contribution of research Providing an evidence base Stories Good practice Good theology 34
Fresh expressions as a gift We encounter God as a generous God The church is one of his gifts to the world Only the church can offer communal life with Jesus Generosity demands that this gift be offered appropriately Generosity also demands that the gift be released/handed over 35
Conclusion: the importance of research for fresh expressions Provides an evidence base Stories can inspire and instruct Research can identify good practice All underpinned by good theology 36
fresh expressions in the Church of England37