Get the best out of club penguin Click anywhere to begin
Start with the basic stuff Hi ! I am Oliver and my penguin, fishy23456 will be guiding you round the island, telling you the useful stuff and all the facts from hints in games to how to find hidden places. You will meet famous penguins and do fun things
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contents Start page Town Plaza Underground Hidden places Help Ski village Iceberg Dojo The cove + forest Choose a chapter or just click the arrows
Start with the basic stuff Hi ! I am Oliver and my penguin, fishy23456 will be guiding you round the island, telling you the usfull stuff and all the facts from hints in games to how to find hidden places. You will meet famous penguins and do fun things
The town The town is a place where penguins love to advertise, give tours, buy items and best of all, drink coffee ! It is a great place whilst parties are on so GIVE IT A TRY!
Coffee shop Why not spend your time on one of the comfy sofas or put on the apron (a clothes item sold in a catalogue ) and be a chef. Make sure everyone has a fair part and make sure everyone's happy.catalogue
Coffee shop Why not spend your time on one of the comfy sofas or put on the apron (a clothes item sold in a catalogue ) and be a chef. Make sure everyone has a fair part and make sure everyone's happy. You can buy items in a catalogue !
Night club This is a place with just a dance floor and lots of big bulky speakers. it gives you a dancing feeling. feeling tired ? You could mix music ! Warning, secret revealed Just click this button
Information Click on all the night club speakers. When a hand icon appears click. You will be underground
Gift shop Treat yourself to a clothing item a player card or a flag. Open up a catalogue up and start buying. Only a member can buy clothes but a non member can start a collection of player cardsmember
Gift shop Treat yourself to a clothing item a player card or a flag. Open up a catalogue up and start buying. Only a member can buy clothes but a non member can start a collection of player cards A member has privilege and can buy items and decorate their igloo
Plaza The plaza has the pet shop, stage and the pizza parlour. Buy a puffle at the pet shop then take it to the stage to watch the plays going on. Follow the strong scent of cheese to the pizza parlour
Puffle prices
Click on the right price of the puffle (all puffles normally all cost 800 coins but in the game they can be different) How to play: puffle prices
Puffle :eight thousand
Puffle : twenty two point
correct Next round
Correct home
Pet shop The pet shop is where you can buy a puffle. When you buy a puffle ( a pet ) you can keep it until it runs away. To stop it running away click on its player card and press the food item. Feed it bath it let it sleep and play with it reguarly
Stage The stage has plays on all the time. They keep changing. Buy a funny costume or just have fun
pizza Imagine if you could have jelly beans on an pizza? In pizzaron 2000 switch the leaver at the start of the game. What happens?
Page picker Start page Town Plaza Underground Hidden places Help Ski village Iceberg Dojo Games arcade The cove + forest
underground The underground is a fun place to go.starting at the boiler room and ending at the mine. In the mine there is puffle rescue and the hidden lake. (hint : if you are playing hide and seek hide behind the icy stalagmite. You will turn invisible ).
Hidden places Did you know there was hidden places ? All around club penguin there is lots of hidden places.
HQ To enter HQ you need to be a secret adjent.(dont Know how to come a secret adjent? CLICK HERE !).after you have become a adgent get your spy phone out and press Visit hq
Box dimension Go through a magical door in a members igloo. If you are a member you can buy one yourself. Go through the door. What do you find?
Become a secret agent Please click
Help Any Questions Want to tell me something ? me at
Ski village In ski village there is something for everyone. Head to the hill for skiing buy a item in the sports shop. If you are a couch potato you can just sit in the ski hut and watch the fire.
Ski hill Try to go on all the runs. This is a place with a game. Sled racing is a action game where you have to try to stay on your sled!
Sport shop Just a shop where you can buy items for your igloo and for games. Ski hut Just a hut with a blazing fire. You can also play ice fishing
Ice berg A floating island which you can play aqua grabber. Try to tip the iceberg!
Dojo High walls which you can play card Justi. Snow beats water, water beats fire and fire beats snow! Challenge sensei to a battle
The cove + forest Fun places to go in parties and just normal times. You can surf at the cove, bring your red puffle along !
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Page picker Start page Town Plaza Underground Hidden places Help Ski village Iceberg Dojo The cove + forest