Cheyenne is an Algonquian language Their alphabet has 14 letters Cheyenne language is musical with difficult verbs
Men hunted food for tribe. Cheyenne were great buffalo hunters. They ate buffalo hearts, brains, liver and kidneys.
Early on the Cheyenne lived in lodges made from the earth. Later they made teepees out of buffalo hide. The teepees could be moved easily.
Cheyenne children played with dolls toys and games. The children played games like Hoop and Dart game or Ring and Pin game. Then women played Monshimout, a game with five stones and a basket.
Warriors use bows and arrows, clubs and spears. The Cheyenne used traps to catch animals. They made arrowheads.
They use dead animals skin as clothes Their leaders wore fancy head dresses. They wore breechcloths, pants, and deer skin dresses.
Lewis and Clark met the Cheyenne Indian leader in Cheyenne fought other tribes but not usually to their death. Cheyenne women and men hunted buffalo together.
The Cheyenne had dogs pull travois, a kind of sled. They built rafts and traveled by river. Once they got horses they traveled quicker and farther.
We use animal’s skins to have clothes like they used buffalo. They use rafts like we do. they play a game like basket ball.
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