UNIT TWO Prehistory
I. The Timeline
Written history begins BC All prehistory stories Way, way B.C?
II. About Prehistory
Bible Books 1. Genesis- means “origin” or “beginning”. The first book of the Bible. Written by 4 different people? About what God has done. II. About Prehistory A.
Before writing 1. Stories told by word of mouth Simple stories About God, not history or science. II. About Prehistory B.
Before writing 2. Includes many symbols Ex: The snake. II. About Prehistory B.
III. Creation
Shows us God 1. Creation story says- “Only ONE God” III. Creation A.
Shows us God 2. Monotheism- believing that there is only one God. Polytheism- believing in more than one god. II. Creation A.
5 Properties of God 1. Eternal- God lives forever, and is timeless and changeless. III. Creation B.
5 Properties of God 2. Omnipotent- God can do anything! III. Creation B.
5 Properties of God 3. Omniscient- God knows everything. III. Creation B.
5 Properties of God 4. Omnipresent- God is everywhere. III. Creation B.
5 Properties of God. 5. Love- God is perfectly loving. III. Creation B.
Morals of Creation 1. God made us in His image. Human dignity- value that all people have because we are made in God’s image and likeness. III. Creation C.
Morals of Creation 2.God made us with a body and soul Soul- the individual spirit we have that makes us human, and means that we will never die. III. Creation C.
Morals of Creation 3. God gave us free will. Free will- the freedom to make choices. III. Creation C.
Morals of Creation 4. God gave us a conscience. Conscience- our ability to know the difference between right and wrong. III. Creation C.
Morals of Creation 5. God made us stewards of creation. Stewardship- taking care of something that doesn’t belong to you. III. Creation C.
IV. Creation and Evolution
The debate 1. Evolution- scientific theory that people evolved over time from simpler animals (like monkeys) into humans. Accepted by scientists IV. Creation and Evolution A.
The debate 2. Naturalism- the belief that people evolved without God. Believed by atheists IV. Creation and Evolution A.
The debate 3. Creationism- the belief that God made people EXACTLY as it says in the Bible. IV. Creation and Evolution A.
The Church says… 1. It doesn’t matter HOW God made everything. It matters THAT God made everything. IV. Creation and Evolution B.
V. The First Sins
Sin words 1. Temptation- makes us want to sin. IT ISN’T A SIN! V. The First Sins A.
Sin words 2. Sin- anything we choose to think, do, or say that breaks God’s law. V. The First Sins A.
Sin words 3. Original sin- our weakness and selfishness we inherited from the first sin. We’re born with it. V. The First Sins A.
Sin words 4. Pride- the sin of thinking you are better than everyone else, and don’t need God. People build the tower of Babel. V. The First Sins A.