Grange Movement & Populism. Struggles of Farmers Bad economy: Prices of crops fell Had to take out loans, mortgage houses, many went bankrupt RR.


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Presentation transcript:

Grange Movement & Populism

Struggles of Farmers Bad economy: Prices of crops fell Had to take out loans, mortgage houses, many went bankrupt RR take advantage, fix high rates Weren’t organized, no tools to fix problems

The Grange started as a social group made up of farmers Farmers lived miles apart, so this was a chance to catch up, and to share farming tips, ideas, & experience. Solution: The Grange Movement, 1867

Farmers realized that they could use the Grange like factory workers used unions. The Grange formed a battle plan to solve farmers’ problems. Step 1: Teach members how to: Organize politically Sponsor state legislation to regulate railroads

The Populist Party (a.k.a. The People’s Party) Help reduce farmers’ debt Give the people more voice in government

The Populist Party platform In what ways to the Populist Party represent the people?

Populist (& Democratic) PartyRepublican Party Led by William Jennings Bryan Made up of farmers, workers, and reformers Bimetalism: wanted money backed by gold AND SILVER (“silverites”) This would stimulate economy and raise crop prices (help farmers) Led by William McKinley Pro-business, banks Gold standard (no silver!) Slower but more stable economic growth

What in this speech seems familiar? Ideas Vocabulary

Election of 1896 Bryan vs McKinley Silver vs Gold Farmer vs Banks

Election of 1896 McKinley (Republican) wins by a large margin Nations economy improved under McKinley Populist party fades from existence Some of the Populist Party ideas are adopted by other political parties First time a third party made a large impact on American politics Populist Party members are elected to state and local positions Many Populist Party ideas are passed during the Woodrow Wilson and FDR administrations