Essential Standards Vocabulary Language Arts I
Essential Standards Vocabulary #1 1.achieve – 2.aesthetic – (adj) beautiful, artistic, creative 3.affect – (v) influence or touch, especially emotionally 4.allegory – (n) indirect representation; story with a moral (“The Boy Who Cried Wolf”) 5.almanac – (n) an annual reference book of useful and interesting facts relating to countries of the world, sports, entertainment, etc. 6.ambiguities – (n) doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention 7.anticipation – (n) realization in advance; expectation or hope 8.appeal – (n) the power or ability to attract, interest, amuse, or stimulate the mind or emotions 9.articulate – (adj) using language easily and fluently; (v) pronounce with clarity 10.bibliography – (n) a list of source materials that are used in preparation of a work, usually referred to the text
Essential Standards Vocabulary #2 1.comprehension – (n) awareness or understanding 2.consumer – (n) person who buys merchandise or services 3.context – (n) background; situation; text 4.contradict – (v) to challenge, deny, oppose 5.credibility – (adj) believable; trustworthy 6.criticism – (n) the act of passing judgments, observations, and opinions on another 7.demonstrate – (v) to display, show, prove 8.discrepancy – (n) a difference or inconsistency 9.documentation – (n) the use of documentary evidence (ex: journals, articles, books, and other research sources) 10.editorial – (n) an article in a newspaper or other periodical presenting the opinions of the publisher/editor/etc.
Essential Standards Vocabulary #3 1.elicit – (v) to draw out, bring forth, extract 2.evaluate – (v) to judge, analyze, decide – (v) to articulate, communicate, suggest, declare 4.external – (adj) exterior; outside; surface 5.figurative – (adj) not literal, but symbolic 6.flashback – (n) a transition in a novel, film, etc., to an earlier scene or event 7.foreshadow – (v) to show or indicate beforehand; predict 8.functional – (adj) working; useful 9.generalization – (n) an assertion that what is true of one is true of all members of a certain class; stereotype
Essential Standards Vocabulary #4 1.generate – (v) to produce, create 2.genre – (n) type; class; category 3.graphic – (n) a product of the graphic arts, such as a drawing, photograph, or computer-generated image 4.hypothesis – (n) an assumption or guess 5.imagery – (n) figurative or descriptive language in a literary work; usually uses the five senses 6.impact – (n) impression; influence; significance 7.incongruity – (n) difference; inconsistency; discrepancy 8.intent – (n) aim; goal; purpose 9.interact – (v) to communicate, network, or relate to 10.internal – (adj) within; inner; inward
Essential Standards Vocabulary #5 1.interpret – (v) to make sense of; to describe 2.irony – (n) the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning (the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend) 3.literal – (adj) following the words of the original very closely and exactly; truth or facts 4.logic – (n) science of reasoning; rationale; good sense 5.monologue – (n) speech by one person, usually in theatre 6.mood – (n) a prevailing emotional tone or general attitude within a text 7.persona – (n) the personality presented to satisfy the demands of the situation 8.or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual 9.primary source - (n) an original document; firsthand account of an event (ie: autobiography) 10.procedure – (n) action; agenda; method
Essential Standards Vocabulary #6 1.purpose – (n) reason; direction 2.relevant – (adj) applicable; important 3.secondary source – (n) any document describing an event, person, place, or thing from the point of view of another (ie: biography) 4.sequence – (n) the following of one thing after another; progression 5.significance – (n) meaning; point 6.soliloquy – (n) a dramatic form of speech in which a character talks to himself or reveals his thoughts without addressing a listener 7.sophisticated – (adj) cultured; refined; mature 8.specialized – (v) concentrate on a specific area 9.subordinate – (adj) lesser; lower; under-average 10.subtle – (adj) quiet; understated; delicate