What is cartography ESRI’s online dictionary defines cartography as … “the art and science of expressing graphically, usually through maps, the natural and social features of the earth “
What is on a map? Cultural features Cultural features Roads, lakes, buildings, rivers, contours, etc.Roads, lakes, buildings, rivers, contours, etc. Numeric data Numeric data income, population data (census data), etcincome, population data (census data), etc Physical Features Physical Features Geology, landuse, forestry, soils, vegetation, landcover etc.Geology, landuse, forestry, soils, vegetation, landcover etc.
How is this data represented?
The Earth as a Globe
Flat surface is needed The earth is a sphere. It has to be developed into a flat surface. To do this the globe or earth has to be flattened out or projected.
Projections Three main classifications: CylindricalCylindrical Planar or AzimuthalPlanar or Azimuthal ConicConic
Cylindrical Planar Conic
Scales Representative Fraction 1:50,000 Verbal Statements One cm to 0.5 km Scale Bar image from
Scale Large ScaleLarge Scale 1:5,000 …..City map 1:5,000 …..City map Small ScaleSmall Scale 1:30,000,000 …..Map of Canada 1:30,000,000 …..Map of Canada
Large Scale Map 1:2,500 Source: Toronto property data map
Small Scale Map 1:30,000,000 Source: ArcCanada data
Types of Maps Thematic Thematic A map designed to convey information about a single topic or theme, such as population density or geology. Topographic…. Topographic…. A topographic map is a detailed and accurate graphic representation of cultural and natural features on the ground.
Thematic Map
Topographic Map From
Map Features PointPoint CityCity ChurchChurch LineLine RiverRiver StreetStreet railwayrailway AreaArea CityCity Geological featuresGeological features ForestForest LanduseLanduse
Source:DMTI Spatial Inc. V2009.4, Canmap Route Logistics
Data and Mapping Qualitative Qualitative Shows spatial distribution or a location of data e.g. geology map, soils, land use, etc.Shows spatial distribution or a location of data e.g. geology map, soils, land use, etc. Not dependent on numeric dataNot dependent on numeric data Quantitative Quantitative Shows the spatial aspects of numerical data e.g. income data, population density etcShows the spatial aspects of numerical data e.g. income data, population density etc
Map Use, Readling Analysis Interpretation. Kimerling et al Page 148 Quantitative Values
Qualitative Map
Quantitive Map
COLOUR Source: _508e7584bf.jpg mark-rothko-september february.html
10 Colour Intervals
7 Colour Intervals
5 Colour Interval
Colour Brewer Colour Advice for Cartography
Rules for Placing Text and Graphics
Text Placement
Map Layout Use of white space Fill white space with map title, legend, scale bar, source, projection information, north arrow legend, scale bar, source, projection information, north arrow Space map elements with equal white space
Map Layout
ESRI Mapping Centre