Compare the size of Greenland to Africa.
Maps What is wrong with this map? It is flat. The longitude lines are parallel; in reality they should intersect at the North and South Pole. It attempts to view an entire 3D object at the same time.
Pablo Picasso
Cylindrical (Mercator) Projection Wrap a paper around a globe and project lines outward. - Usually have parallel (straight) lines of latitude and longitude. - Accurate at the equator. - Shapes are fairly accurate. - Sizes and distances are very distorted.
Conic Projection
– Project lines from a globe onto a cone. - Accurate over small areas - Large areas become distorted, especially by the edges.
Gnomic Projection (Planar, Azimuthal)
– Project lines from a globe onto a flat piece of paper - Accurate at the center. - Distorted at the edges. - Mostly used for navigation by the poles. Can only see half of the world at a time.