Retreat Planning, Preparation, and Evaluation
Retreats Experiential A time for personal reflection and prayer An ENCOUNTER with Christ Serves as a way to build up the youth community
Types of retreats 1 Day Retreat 2 Day Retreat (overnight) 3 Day Retreat (overnight) Either at parish hall or at a retreat center. (See retreat centers)
Sample Calendar Beginning of 1 st Year Confirmation One day, introduction retreat in the parish hall that focuses on building the ties within the Confirmation group End of the 1 st Year Confirmation 2 day, overnight retreat at a retreat center that focuses on Jesus’ life, His unconditional love for His children, and deepening in relationship with Him Near End of the 2 nd Year Confirmation 3 day, overnight retreat at a retreat center that focuses on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, being strengthened as disciples of Christ, and living life after Confirmation
Leadership Development The youth need people close in age to help relate to them, mentor them, and share stories of their faith journeys with them After Confirmation, have a sign up sheet for those who would like to serve as classroom teacher’s aides the following year and help on the retreat
3 Year Plan Year 1: Youth leaders help on the retreat by leading activities and serving as small group leaders Year 2: Youth leaders help on the retreat by leading activities, serving as small group leaders, and giving witness talks Year 3: Youth leaders help on the retreat by leading activities, serving as small group leaders, giving witness talks, and leading the prayers and reflections