Hello. My name is Back-to-School Night Mrs. Peretz Ms. Jacobsohn Ms. Garrett 4th Grade Albert Einstein Academy
Parents Can Make a Difference I dreamt I stood in a studio and watched two sculptors there. The clay they used was a young child’s mind, and they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher—the tools he used were books, music, and art. The other, a parent, worked with a guiding hand and a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled with touch, that was deft and sure. While the parent labored by his side and polished and smoothed it over. And when at last, their task was done, they were proud of what they had wrought. For the things they had molded into the child, could neither be sold or bought. And each agreed they would have failed, if each had worked alone. For behind the teacher stood the school and behind the parent, a home.
A Day in 4th Grade 7:45 - 7:55STEAM Scream 8:00 – 8:50Language Arts/Math 8:50 – 9:40Social Studies/Science 9:40-10:00Key Scholar Skills 10:00 – 10:15Recess 10: :05Language Arts/Math 11:05 – 11:55Social Studies/Science 11: :15Key Scholar Skills 12:15 - 1:00Lunch (mid-day announcements) 1:00 – 1:50PE 1:50 – 2:40Mandarin/Hebrew 2:40 – 3:10Key Scholar Skills
Hebrew This year the students will learn: The alphabet Reading Writing in cursive Making sentences in Hebrew( orally and in writing) Conversations Numbers Body parts Map directions Colors Songs Grading Reading fluency 20% Writing proficiency 20% Participation in Class 15% Projects 15% Speaking in Hebrew 30% The class website is moraht.weebly.com You can also me at
Absences We strongly encourage family vacations to be planned during breaks Fall Break: 9/14Pupil Free-9/23 Thanksgiving Break: November Winter Break: December 18–January 6 MLK, Jr. Day: 1/18 President’s Day: 1/15 Pupil Free-9/14, 9/28 Spring Break: April 4 – 10 Memorial Day: 5/30 If you know in advance that your child will be absent, please call the office & let them know. Absent Work: All work must be turned in within 3 days of the absence. Consistently missing work will affect report card grades.
Discipline & Consequences Class Rules: 1. Listen 2. Follow directions 3. Raise your hand before speaking 4.Raise your hand before getting out of your seat 5.Make smart choices Consequences: Verbal warning Letter home Office referral Incentives: Individual – Golden nuggets Group- Class party and auction
Homework Read for at least 15 minutes every night Assignments Math-Daily sheets Language Arts-Weekly assignment RAZ-Kids, IXL, SpellingCity (spelllingcity.com/mrsperetzclass) Social Studies/Science-Kidblog, projects Please notify us if homework is taking longer than minutes a night Assignments will be posted on websites
Assessments Students will be assessed in a variety of ways this year including group projects, tests, presentations, interactive notebooks, and writing assignments. Grading Policy For class work assignments, we will be using a letter grade system accompanied by rubrics. For quizzes and tests, we will use percentages based on the total number of possible points.
4=Working Beyond Standard Student’s academic performance significantly and consistently demonstrates knowledge, application, and extension of standards taught to date. Student demonstrates high quality work with originality,, initiative, and independence. 3 = Achieving Standard Student’s academic performance regularly meets grade level standards taught to date. Student’s work is thorough and generally accurate. 2 = Progressing Toward Standard Student’s academic performance indicates partial mastery of grade level standards taught to date. Student is progressing, but work is inconsistent and/or dependent on adult support. 1 = Working Below Standard Student’s academic performance is below grade level standards taught to date. More time, practice, assistance, or effort needed at school/home to meet standards. Effort Grades: O = Outstanding G = Good S = Satisfactory N = Needs to Improve
Community Service Community service hours are required. Students can download the form from the school website. Administrators have final approval. Parent Volunteers We will post sign-ups to volunteer on our websites Donations If you would like to donate items to our classroom, please take a star from our posters! All items donated are GREATLY appreciated.
Communication…A MUST! Weekly News: News and announcements are on the classroom websites: aeagr4peretz.weebly.com aeagr4jacobsohn.weebly.com aeagr4garrett.weebly.com s: ( s are a great way to contact us quickly) Send a note or leave a phone message Schedule a meeting
Before you leave, please… visit your child’s classroom sign-in find your child’s desk and leave them a note choose a star from our class wish list. Your donations are greatly appreciated! We’re looking forward to an amazing school year!
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