PRINCIP The principle is based on increased light intensity on pedestrial crossing compared with standard light intensity on the street.
KONTRAST Important is the contrast between crossing person and dark background The driver has a a perfect overview of the situation at the pedestrial crossing, which is much more important than just standard traffic sign of the pedestrian crossing.
OSLNĚNÍ Crossing person must be iluminated in that way to avoid dazzle of the driver.
ZDROJ White light of methalhalid balast 250 W The light is equiped with special optics powered by strong balast.
UMÍSTNĚNÍ STOŽÁRŮ Column with bracket is placed before zebra crissing on the side of arriving car. Column
comming car PŘECHOD Z BOKU Than is the crossing person visible as a light point on the dark background Thanks to special optics the light is directed on the crossing person.
VYLOŽENÍ NAD JÍZDNÍ PRUHY Brackets are designed and placed in that way that light is above the middle of the traffic lane.
ZACLONĚNÍ On the brackets are trafic signs no. IP6 PEDESTRIAL CROSSING to avoid dezzle ot he driver comming from opposite side.
ZNAČKY There is possibility to place traffic sign of Pedestrial crossing IP6 on the column.
light is reflected light is not reflected ODRAZOVÁ FO´LIE Column is foursided and on the front side is sticked reflective foil to warn the driver about pedestrial crossing by reflected light.
PEVNOST VE VĚTRU Foursided column guarantee that bracket is fixed strongly and avoiding turning by strong wind.
UKONČENÍ Pedestrial crossing solution „EXCENTRIC“ is giving maximum safeness for crossing persons. Produced by holder of quality certificate ISO 9001: 2001