Math Performance Tasks: Scoring & Feedback Smarter Balanced Professional Development for Washington High-need Schools University of Washington Tacoma Maria Gross (UWT)
Guiding Questions O What is a SBAC Math Performance Task? O How does the Classroom Activity connect to the Performance Task? O How may I better support my students for the Math PT through scoring and feedback?
Assignment Preview O Practice conducting and scoring a Performance Task O Norm results with partner O Develop ideas to incorporate practice Performance Tasks into lesson plans
Smarter Balanced Assessment ClassroomActivity Performance Task CAT
What is a PERFORMANCE TASK (PT)? Portion of the test that requires students to answer a set of complex questions centered on a common topic or problem. Measures capacities such as depth of understanding, research skills, and complex analysis, which cannot be adequately assessed with selected- or constructed-response items
Measures how well a student can integrate knowledge and skills across multiple claims and targets – Claim: Broad evidence-based statements about what students know and can do as demonstrated by their performance on the assessment – Target: Connects the Common Core State Standards to evidence that will be collected from the assessment PERFORMANCE TASK KNOWLEDGE + SKILLS
ClassroomActivity Performance Task PERFORMANCE TASK = ✚
Classroom Activity
Technology of the Future Let’s work together! I have an idea! What do you guys think? CLASSROOM ACTIVITY
“Smarter Balanced assessments will provide valid, fair, and reliable measures of achievement and growth for English language learners and students with disabilities. Working with member states, educators, and experts in the field, the Consortium is developing a variety of accessibility tools and accommodations options to allow virtually all students to demonstrate what they know and can do.” Classroom Activity Guidance for Needs-Specific Accessibility Options CLASSROOM ACTIVITY performance-tasks/
Takes place before students engage in the performance task Is administered separately for both ELA and mathematics Is the same activity for the entire class Is not scored CLASSROOM ACTIVITY
Designed to be completed in approximately 30 minutes In a group setting by a certified teacher or other instructional staff No more than three days before the student takes the online task No information should be added or provided outside the directions and information provided. CLASSROOM ACTIVITY— Administration
Schedule a make-up session. Provide students the opportunity to interact with the teacher and other students. Provide students with an experience similar to that of their peers. CLASSROOM ACTIVITY — Absent Students
Facilitator Directs Students: In the Classroom Activity for this performance task, the teacher or facilitator leads the students through an activity that familiarizes them with the context in which a food basket would be used and how individual foods are selected for inclusion based on certain nutritional requirements or needs. Before the Math Performance Task: Classroom Activity
Share O How could you/do you incorporate the “Classroom Activity” portion of PTs into your lessons?
Mathematics Performance Task
Mathematics Performance Task — After the Classroom Activity After completing the Classroom Activity, students are then ready to begin the individual component of the performance task. What happens next:
Mathematics Performance Task — After the Classroom Activity The individually administered component of the mathematics performance task has a stimulus that provides information for the student to use in the task. More information is given:
Mathematics Performance Task Questions The student has the opportunity to use the tools to help complete the task.
Mathematics Performance Task Questions The set of questions in the mathematics performance task is designed to give students a coherent picture of how mathematics is used to plan and make decisions in the real world.
Scoring a Practice Performance Task
Grade 7 Performance Task FOOD BASKETS You are a volunteer at International Food Assistance. This organization delivers “food baskets” to help people around the world.
SBAC Practice Test Scoring Grade 7 Performance Task Sample O Consider the problem: 3. Explain how the Sample Food Basket does or does not meet all the requirements for a food basket. Type your answer in the space provided. Use specific numbers in your explanation. O Discuss with your group or partner what information the student will need to answer the prompt. O Discuss the different types of responses that a student may provide to correctly answer the prompt.
SBAC Practice Test Scoring Grade 7 Performance Task Sample Rubric/Examples O How well did we do? Check the rubric! For this item, a full-credit response (1 point) includes -confirming that there are enough quantities of each of the four requirements for the food basket AND -referring to the quantity (correctly or incorrectly) determined in previous item as well as the percentage of total calories from fat. For example: “The food basket meets the requirements. The percentage of protein calories is about 9%. The percentage of fat is about 18%. 9% is greater than 8% and 18% is greater than 10%. There is also enough oil and super cereal.”
SBAC Practice Test Scoring Grade 7 Performance Task Sample Rubric/Examples cont’d For this item, a no-credit response (0 points) includes none of the features of a full-credit response. For example: “The food basket meets the requirements. There is enough protein, fat, oil and super cereal.” This item is not graded on spelling or grammar.
Discussion O How could practice Performance Tasks be incorporated into your lessons? O Why should Performance Tasks be practiced?
Activity 1. Individually read and complete practice Performance Task. 2. Score own work using provided rubric and examples. 3. Trade practice with partner teacher. 4. Score partner’s practice work using provided rubric. 5. Discuss the practice work and score rationale, providing evidence from the rubric. 6. Try to reach consensus on a single score for each of your practice work scores. 7. Discuss ways to incorporate practice Performance Tasks into lessons. 8. Upload (individually) following table documenting scores and comments on how came to consensus AND list of ideas to incorporate PTs into lessons. Your ScorePartner ScoreConsensus ScoreComments Problem 1 etc.
Resources 14 Math Performance Task Resources performance-task-links/