1 Life Well Said
2 “Why do you trust the advice & recommendations from blogs?” SOURCE: 2011 SOCIAL MEDIA MATTERS: BLOGHER SAMPLE, N = 1,143 © 2011 SOCIAL MEDIA MATTERS SOCIAL STUDY BY BLOGHER, INC. CO-SPONSORED BY KETCHUM, Bloggers have the earned trust of a friend “The blogger I follow has similar opinions and attitudes ” “I feel I know the blog writer like a friend because we have so much in common ” “I’ve been reading the blogger I follow for a long time and we have similar taste ”
3 SOURCE: 2011 SOCIAL MEDIA MATTERS: U.S. TOTAL ONLINE POPULATION SAMPLE, NIELSEN BLOG READERS AND/OR WRITERS, N = 790 © 2011 SOCIAL MEDIA MATTERS SOCIAL STUDY BY BLOGHER, INC. CO-SPONSORED BY KETCHUM, Blog readers prefer blogs for almost everything, Facebook is our source for play and friendship
44 Familiar bloggers are more helpful (61% ) for providing beauty product advice than store websites (46%), social networks (33%) or message boards (20%). Women are just as likely to trust the beauty product advice from a Parenting (43%), Health (42%) or Lifestyle (37%) blog as from a Beauty and Fashion blog (43%). Blogs are more than two times more likely (63%) than magazines (26%) to have inspired a beauty product purchase over the last six months. Beauty and the Blogs
5 5 SOURCE: 2011 SOCIAL MEDIA MATTERS: U.S. TOTAL ONLINE POPULATION SAMPLE VS. BLOGHER NETWORK SAMPLE NIELSEN US TOTAL ONLINE N = 1,254 BLOGHER SAMPLE N = 1,991 © 2011 SOCIAL MEDIA MATTERS SOCIAL STUDY BY BLOGHER, INC. CO-SPONSORED BY KETCHUM, 80% of BlogHer’s audience has made a purchase based on a recommendation from a blog Bloggers Drive Purchase Decisions
6 Web app: Twitter hashtag: #blogher11
77 Thank you. Have a great conference.