Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group on Hydrology Toulouse, France, March 2009 Report of the Rapporteur on Water monitoring and Assessment Prof. Valery Vuglinsky (Russia). April 2007 – December 2008.
Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group on Hydrology Toulouse, France, March 2009 Expected Result IV: Integration of WMO observing systems. Themes: Improve existing practice Broaden use of more advanced technologies Join in existing or planned projects Develop new capabilities or products RA-VI Strategic Plan FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF METEOROLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL SERVICES IN THE REGION ( )
Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group on Hydrology Toulouse, France, March 2009 Establishing standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables (ECV’s) Development of International Data Centre on Hydrology of Lakes and Reservoirs
Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group on Hydrology Toulouse, France, March 2009 One of the TOPS most important activities has been a preparation of the report reviews the terrestrial Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) (including river discharge, water use, ground water and lake level ECVs which refer to the field of hydrology). A standard review of each ECV has been given involving terms and definitions, the observed parameters, measurement methods, both in-situ and satellite ones, existing standards and recommendations on Improvement of monitoring of individual ECVs. The work has been done in line with the activities of the Terrestrial Observing Panel for Climate (TOPC) with the participation of the WMO CHy and WGH RA representatives.. TOPC identifies global data sets for climate-related terrestrial applications. One of aims of TOPC is a development of terrestrial observation networks Including hydrological network Establishing standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables (ECV’s)
Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group on Hydrology Toulouse, France, March 2009 The Report on ECV T1: River discharge has been prepared by Ulrich Loozer (Germany), the Director of the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). ( the description of existing measurement methods, protocols and standards are given. The contributing networks and data availability are analysed. The recommendations for improving of water level observation are suggested). The Report on ECV T4: Water level in lakes and reservoirs, water storage has been prepared by Valery Vuglinsky with the participation of Tatyana Gronskaya (Russia), Jean-Francois Cretaux France) and Reuben Sessa (FAO).
Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group on Hydrology Toulouse, France, March 2009 Development of International Data Centre on Hydrology of Lakes and Reservoirs In accordance with the recommendation of the XII th Session of CHy (Genewa, Switzerland, October 2004) and the Agreement between WMO and Roshydromet signed in June 2008, the International Data Centre on Hydrology of Lakes and Reservoirs (HYDROLARE) was established at the State Hydrological Institute (Russian Federation), which is operated under the auspices of WMO.
Milestones until December 2008 The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ROSHYDROMET and WMO is expected to be ready for signature by September As soon as this is the case, ROSHYDROMET will send a formal letter to WMO. The following milestone should be achieved in parallel to this administrative formality: MilestoneDeadline 1Preparation of questionnaire for data collection, in collaboration with WMOSeptember Development of encoding system for database, taking into account WMO requirements September Development of encoding system for data base< take into account WMO requirements September Preparation of metadata for lakes and reservoirs of Russia and other former USSR countries, for loading into the prototype data base December Preparation of requests for historical observational data from foreign countries, and distribution of these requests and the questionnaire via WMO December Loading of available metadata for lakes and reservoirs of Russia and other former USSR countries into the database since January Preparation of historical observational data for lakes and reservoirs of Russia, for loading into prototype data base January Selection of the HYDROLARE database software, and design and development of the database to a prototype level February Loading of historical observational data for lakes and reservoirs of Russia into the prototype database since February First test operation of HYDROLAREMarch Preparation of historical observational data for lakes and reservoirs of former USSR countries, for loading into the data base June First review of HYDROLARE functions and activitiesJune Loading of historical observational data for lakes and reservoirs of former USSR countries into the database since July Loading of available metadata for lakes and reservoirs of foreign countries into the database since July Loading of historical observational data for lakes and reservoirs of foreign countries into the data base since October Second meeting of HYDROLARE Steering Committee November 2008 It is expected that the full HYDROLARE functionality will be achieved by December 2008 Milestones until December 2008
Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group on Hydrology Toulouse, France, March 2009 On 1 January 2009 the HYDROLARE began to operate in accordance with the WMO protocol to meet WMO requirements. Metadata and historical observational data for Russia and other FSU сountries was formed and loaded into the data base. First test operation of HYDROLARE was carried out.
Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group on Hydrology Toulouse, France, March 2009
Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group on Hydrology Toulouse, France, March 2009 Thank you for your attention !