Sustainable Energy Technologies MSE Hydro energy Eduard Latõšov
Nature of hydro energy Contents Resources Utilisation Technologies Planning Summary
Nature of hydro energy
The mechanical power of falling water Energy of waves Tidal
Nature of hydro energy The mechanical power of falling water Source:
The theoretically power available from falling water can be expressed as: P th = ρ q g h where P th = power theoretically available (W) ρ = density (kg/m 3 ) (~ 1000 kg/m 3 for water) q = water flow (m 3 /s) g = acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s 2 ) h = falling height, head (m) almost constant Nature of hydro energy The mechanical power of falling water
P th = ρ q g h Nature of hydro energy The mechanical power of falling water
Nature of hydro energy Tidal energy
Nature of hydro energy Tidal energy Example. Case specific data.
Wave is mainly formed by wind Nature of hydro energy Wave energy
Source: Global electricity generation by fuel, Hydro energy provides 16.3% of the world's electricity (about TWh in 2010), more than nuclear power (12.8%), and much more than wind, solar, geothermal and other sources combined (3.6%), but much less than fossil fuel plants (67.2%). (IEA, 2012a).
Utilisation Top ten hydropower producers in 2010
Utilisation Countries with more than half their electricity generation from hydropower in 2010
Utilisation Hydroelectricity generation,
Utilisation Electricity generation from recent additions to hydropower (left) and other renewables (right)
Utilisation Cumulative technology contributions to power sector emission reductions in ETP 2014 hi-Ren Scenario, relative to 6DS, up to 2050
The mechanical power of falling water
Technologies The mechanical power of falling water
Technologies The mechanical power of falling water
Technologies Turbine types Kaplan
Technologies Turbine types Francis Source: Francis
Technologies Turbine types Kaplan and Francis. Difference
Technologies Turbine types Pelton IMPULSE TURBINE
Technologies Turbine types Different constructions: Single jet, multi jet, horizontal, vertical Pelton
Pump storage hydropower plant
Principles of operation
Kruonis Pumped Storage Plant Pump storage hydropower plant Example
Tidal energy Principles of operation
Tidal energy ANDRITZ HS300 Tidal Turbine From design to practice
Source: Tidal energy Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station, South Korea - 254MW The $355.1m tidal power project was built between 2003 and Daewoo Engineering & Construction was the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor for the project. The annual generation capacity of the facility is 552.7GWh. La Rance Tidal Power Plant, France - 240MW The 240MW La Rance tidal power plant on the estuary of the Rance River in Brittany, France, has been operational since 1966 making it the world's oldest and second biggest tidal power station. The renewable power plant, currently operated by Électricité de France (EDF), has an annual generation capacity of 540GWh. MeyGen Tidal Energy Project, Scotland - 86MW MeyGen Tidal Energy Project located in the Inner Sound of the Pentland Firth off the north coast of Caithness, Scotland, is currently the world's biggest underwater tidal turbine power project under development. Main references
Wave energy Principles of operation
Wave energy Reference power plant More information:
Minimum and maximum LCOE for selected electricity generating technologies LCOE
Cons Disturbance of habitat. The formation of large and huge dams destroys the living beings around them. Local life is disturbed. People living nearby have to relocate. Installation costs. Although the effective cost is zero but the manufacturing and building a dam and installation of the turbines is very costly due to which many countries do not employ this alternative source of energy. If the initial cost had been less; then it would have used more commonly. Limited use. As the hydroelectric power is produced by the water which depend on the yearly rain falls so only those areas can use this method which receives a good amount of rainfall water because this method needs a huge reservoir of water. Divert natural waterway. Dams and rivers collect water for the production of electricity which alters the natural system of water flow thus depriving houses of the water they need. Effects on agriculture. Making dams on rivers affect the amount, quality and temperature of water that flow in streams which has drastic effects on agriculture and drinking water. Fish killing. The water while flowing through the dam collects nitrogen which can damage and also kills fish. They can also damage the reproduction of fishes thus eliminating the whole species of fishes. Disputes between people. Changing the river pathway and shortage of water can cause serious disputes between people. Breaking of dams. Many dams which were built for industrial use or for mills are not now used and occupying a great space but they can’t be broken or removed as it would cause serious flooding. This would not only affect the humans but also many buildings and property. Summary Disdvantages
Summary Pros: reliability proven technology large storage capacity very low operating and maintenance costs hydropower is highly flexible a precious asset for electricity network operators, especially given rapid expansion of variable generation from other renewable energy technologies such as wind power and photovoltaics. many hydropower plants also provide flood control, irrigation, navigation and freshwater supply. Advantages
Reliability, proven technology. Anti- example. The Sayano-Shushenskaya dam hydro-electric power station accident due to Turbine Failure (2009)
Reliability, proven technology. Anti- example. The Sayano-Shushenskaya dam hydro- electric power station
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