WebQuery: Searching and Visualizing the Web through Connectivity Jeromy Carriere, Nortel Rick Kazman, Software Engineering Institute 元智資工所 系統實驗室 楊錫謦 2000/1/5
Outline Introduction System Description Visualization of Results Discussion Future Work & Conclusion
Introduction Finding information located somewhere on the WWW is frequently a daunting task. Method: Yellow-pages content-based search tools Problems of the techniques above: vocabulary problem size of result
Introduction(Cont.) One type of information we can use to tame the problems is : People form communities on the Web and reference each other.
System Description Preprocessing phase The connectivity information is collected Run-time phase The result are fed into the VANISH tool.
Visualization of Result “Rick Kazman”
Visualization of Result(Cont.) “software engineering AND software architecture”
Visualization of Result(Cont.) “library”
Visualization of Result(Cont.) “back pain”
Discussion to visualize large hit set – Cone Tree clutters to draw the user’s attension to the highly ranked nodes – bulleyes & springs-and-weights algorithms The springs-and-weights algorithms are expensive.
Discussion(Cont.) WebQuery Weaknesses The result may contain nodes that are highly interlinked but represent a single repository of information. WebQuery has no knowledge of aliasing of Web sites or nodes.
Future Work & Conclusion Future Work: Incorporation into the visualization such as the size of nodes, the correlation between keywords and nodes. a mechanism for aggregation of nodes in the visualization. WebQuery is powerful for searching the Web based on connectivity and content.
Future Work & Conclusion(Cont.) Replace those visualization techniques with “Core Tree”: How to deal with focus changing? Loop Links